Frequency of bacterial isolates and antibiotics resistance patterns in urine and pus samples.


  • Sajid Ali Abdul Wali Kahn University, Mardan.
  • Hina Khalid Abdul Wali Kahn University, Mardan.
  • Noor Muhammad Peshawar Medical College, Peshawar.
  • Syed Luqman Shuaib Khyber Medical College, Peshawar.
  • Anees Muhammad Bacha Khan Medical College, Mardan.



Antibiotics, E. Coli, Peshawar, Pus, Uropathogens


Objectives: The present study is aimed to determine frequency of bacteria in urine and pus sample along with the antibiotic resistance profile of isolated bacteria. Study Design: Cross-Sectional Study. Setting: Real-Time PCR Laboratory at Dabgari Garden, Peshawar with the Collaboration of Health Biotechnology Laboratory, Department of Biotechnology, Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan. Period: June 2018 to July 2019. Material & Methods: The urine and pus samples were collected from suspected patients and were cultured on appropriate culture media. The biochemical tests were also performed after growing on culture plates for identification and confirmation of bacterial isolates. The disc diffusion technique was used to evaluate the antibiotic pattern of retrieved isolates. Result: A total of 525 samples of pus and urine samples were collected from different regions of Peshawar. Out of the total, 237 (45.1%) samples were found positive for bacterial growth whereas the remaining (54.9%) were observed negative. Among total positive isolates, 220 (92.8%) were from urine samples, and 17 (7.2%) were from pus samples. The predominant isolate was Escherichia coli (E. coli) (90.3%) retrieved from positive samples, followed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (7.2%), Klebsiella pneumonia (1.3%), and Staphylococcus aureus (1.3%). The most effective antibiotic was Fosfomycin against bacteria whereas Nalidixic acid, Nitrofurantoin, and Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid were found less effective against bacterial isolates. Conclusion: Most frequent bacteria isolated was E. coli and the most efficient drug was Fosmomycin and the least was Nitrofurantoin, and Amoxicillin.

Author Biographies

Sajid Ali, Abdul Wali Kahn University, Mardan.


Associate Professor Biotechnology


Hina Khalid, Abdul Wali Kahn University, Mardan.

Ph.D Biotechnology Student


Noor Muhammad, Peshawar Medical College, Peshawar.


Professor Medicine

Syed Luqman Shuaib, Khyber Medical College, Peshawar.

M.Phil Pathology (Microbiology)

Assistant Professor Pathology

Anees Muhammad, Bacha Khan Medical College, Mardan.


Lecturer Department of MLT






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