Effect of preferred learning styles on academic achievements: A cross sectional descriptive study.


  • Maryam Rao Fatima Jinnah Medical University Lahore.
  • Qudsia Umara Khan CMH Medical & Dental College Lahore.
  • Sana Akram The University of Faisalabad.
  • Wardah Anwar Al Aleem Medical College Lahore.
  • Shazo Sana Fatima Jinnah Medical University Lahore.
  • Tabinda Kazmi Niazi Medical & Dental College Sargodha.




Academic Achievement, Learning Style, Multimodal, VARK


Objective: This study aims to find out the preferred mode of study for undergraduate Physiology students and effect of learning style preferences on academic achievements. Study Design: Cross Sectional, Descriptive study. Setting: Fatima Jinnah Medical University, Lahore. Period: December 2018 to June 19. Material & Methods: Total 170 undergraduate’s 2nd year MBBS Physiology students were included. The VARK questionnaire (Version 7.1) designed by Fleming was administered to 170 students after taking consent. This questionnaire is a valid tool to assess the learning style preferences of students. It consists of 16 questions having four options each and a scoring chart at the end, for the students to calculate their own scores. The aggregate percentage of periodic assessments throughout the academic year was defined as academic achievement. It was matched with their learning style preferences. A relationship between the learning style preferences and academic achievement was studied. Data was analyzed by using SPSS version 23.0. Results: Out of a total of 170 students, 73 (43%) preferred kinesthetic while 51(30%) preferred aural mode of learning. However, no association between learning style preferences and academic achievements could be found. Conclusion: The study concluded that the most preferred learning style among the M.B.B.S 2nd year Physiology students was kinesthetic. No significant association was found between the learning style preferences and academic achievement. Teaching modalities can be improved and incorporated according to students’ preferences.

Author Biographies

Maryam Rao, Fatima Jinnah Medical University Lahore.

M.Phil, MBBS

Assistant Professor Physiology


Qudsia Umara Khan, CMH Medical & Dental College Lahore.


Assistant Professor Physiology

Sana Akram, The University of Faisalabad.

FCPS (Physiology), MBBS

Demonstrator Physiology


Wardah Anwar, Al Aleem Medical College Lahore.

M.Phil, MBBS

Assistant Professor Physiology

Shazo Sana, Fatima Jinnah Medical University Lahore.

M.Phil, MBBS

Demonstrator Physiology

Tabinda Kazmi, Niazi Medical & Dental College Sargodha.

M.Phil, MBBS

Assistant Professor Physiology






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