Histopathological evaluation of clinically diagnosed prostatic lesions.


  • Sikandar-e-Azam Yousfani Peoples University of Medical and Health Sciences for Women Nawabshah.
  • Aijaz Hussain Memon Peoples University of Medical and Health Sciences for Women Nawabshah.
  • Bilal Suria Al-Tibri Medical College and Hospital Karachi.
  • Arif Ali Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center Jinnah Sindh Medical University Karachi.
  • Safiullah Sohu CMCH Larkana.
  • Rekha Melwani Al-Tibri Medical College and Hospital Karachi.




Adenocarcinoma Prostate, Digital Rectal Examination, Gleason Score, Histopathology, Prostate Specific Antigen


Objectives: To correlate the clinically diagnosed prostatic lesion with histopathological evaluation, Gleason scoring andserum prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels in a tertiary care centre. Study Design: Observational Study. Setting: The current study was conducted in multiple centers of Sindh like Department of Surgery Unit-III, Peoples University of Medical and Health Sciences, Nawabshah CMCH Larkana, Jinnah Sindh Medical University and Al-Tibri Medical College and Hospital Karachi. Period: January 2018 to December 2019. Material & Methods: on 112 consecutive cases of clinically diagnosed prostatic disease, all the relevant demographic and clinical details including digital rectal examination (DRE) findings and serum PSA levels were recorded on a proforma designed for the study. PSA values of all these cases were recorded before the surgical procedure. The tissue sample of prostate was collected after surgery and histologically analysed for the confirmation of diagnosis and the Gleason scoring was made. All the results obtained were statistically analysed and tabulated. Results: The age of patients ranged 34-81 years, with mean age of 58+3.4 years. The adenocarcinoma was detected in 05 cases, hyperplasia in 92 cases and hyperplasia with prostatitis in 07 cases. The carcinoma was clinically diagnosed in 17 cases but after histological evaluation, the carcinoma was confirmed in 03 cases and 02 cases of cancer were confirmed among clinically diagnosed cases of hyperplasia. Majority of cases of hyperplasia were having the PSA level < 4ng/ml No any case of adenocarcinoma have PSA level below 4ng/ml, and majority of the cases of denocarcinoma were having PSA level above 20ng/ml. majority of malignant lesions were having PSA level above 20ng/ml and the Gleason score above 6. No any case of malignancy was detected in those patients having PSA level below 4ng/ml. Conclusion: The histopathological evaluation with serum PSA levels is necessary in all cases of prostatic disease to rule out the possibility of malignant pathology.

Author Biographies

Sikandar-e-Azam Yousfani, Peoples University of Medical and Health Sciences for Women Nawabshah.


Associate Professor Surgical Unit-II

Aijaz Hussain Memon, Peoples University of Medical and Health Sciences for Women Nawabshah.

MBBS, MS (Urology)

Assistant Professor Urology


Bilal Suria, Al-Tibri Medical College and Hospital Karachi.

MBBS, FCPS (Urology)

Assistant Professor Urology

Arif Ali, Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center Jinnah Sindh Medical University Karachi.

MBBS, FCPS (Urology)

Assistant Professor Urology


Safiullah Sohu, CMCH Larkana.

MBBS, FCPS (Urology)

Senior Registrar Urology


Rekha Melwani, Al-Tibri Medical College and Hospital Karachi.


Assistant Professor Urology







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