
  • FARIDA WAGAN Peoples Medical College, Nawabshah
  • SUBHANA TAYYAB Peoples Medical College, Nawabshah



Vaginal Hysterectomy, Indications, Procedure, Complications


Objectives: To find out the causes of operative morbidity and mortality, the way to reduce the avoidable
causes. DESIGN: Prospective study. Material & Methods: A total of patients, who underwent vaginal
hysterectomy were 31. Period: Jan 1996 - Dec 1997. Setting: Department of Gynaecology & Obstetrics,
LMCH Gynae Unit - I. Results: This include 31 of 164 hysterectomies making a figure of 18.90 %. The
mean age of patients was 50 ± 05 years (30 - 70 years), mean parity were 6.1 ± 2.38. 25 were still married
at the time of surgery and 12 (39.16 %) were sexually active. 14 (45.16 %) were menopausal and all cases
had some degree of uterine descent and other cases had associated problems like irregular vaginal bleeding
(16.12 %) and chronic cervicitis (16.12 %) cases. In all cases smaller size and freely mobile uterus was
selected, 5 (16.12 %) cases underwent bilateral oophorectomy. General anaesthesia (GA) was given in 51.61
% cases, spinal anaesthesia was given in 48.38 % cases. Intra-operative complication rate was 3.22 %, while
postoperative complication rate was 41.93 %, mostly these were minor complication. There was no mortality
in our series. The mean hospital stay was 6 ±3 days. Conclusions: In vaginal hysterectomy safety depends
on experience of surgeon, modern anaesthesia, procedure and antibiotic p:ophylaxis.

Author Biographies

FARIDA WAGAN, Peoples Medical College, Nawabshah

Assistant Professor Gynae/Obs,

SUBHANA TAYYAB, Peoples Medical College, Nawabshah

Professor of Gynae/Obs,






Origianl Article