
  • MUHAMMAD ISHAQUE KHAN B V Hospital, Bahawalpur.
  • Tariq Mehmood Rehan B V Hospital, Bahawalpur.
  • MUHAMMAD MUNEER B V Hospital, Bahawalpur.
  • Atiqur Rehan B V Hospital, Bahawalpur.
  • GULZAR AHMED B V Hospital, Bahawalpur.
  • Gulzar Ahmed B V Hospital, Bahawalpur.



Foreign bodies fistula, Retained foreign bodies, Intra-abdominal textiloma, Gossypibomab


Objective: To evaluate different ways of sinus formation due
to foreign bodies. To establish protocol for diagnosis, management and prevention of such Cases. Settings &
period: Study was conducted in surgical unit B V Hospital Bahawalpur during 2002 to 2003. Material &
Methods: This was a case series study of 11 patients. Inclusion criteria was presentation with sinus formation
and proved to be due to foreign body (FB) were included in the study. Sinus formation due to infected suture
material was excluded from the study. All the patients underwent surgical intervention and preoperative and
post operative findings were recorded. Microsoft word was used for analysis. Results: Total 11 patients were
studied 6 were female and 5 male. Seven patients have a previous history of operation and developed sinus due
to retained foreign bodies. Four patients had no history of operation. Associated symptom were, pain 4 patients,
fever 2 patients and peritonitis, urinary fistula and intestinal obstruction, one patient each. Foreign body found
was sponges 4 patients, stones 2 patients and artery forceps, glass, thorn, pallet and wood particle in one patient
each. All patients were treated surgically and have good outcome except in one patient who expired due to
peritonitis and MSOF. Three patients have got infection and have a satisfactory out come after drainage and
ASD. Conclusion: Sinus formation due to foreign body although uncommon is an under estimated, under
reported and preventable condition. Prevention is possible in post operative case and early diagnosis is necessary
as the delay in some cases may end up in disaster.

Author Biographies

MUHAMMAD ISHAQUE KHAN, B V Hospital, Bahawalpur.

Senior Registrar SW II,

Tariq Mehmood Rehan, B V Hospital, Bahawalpur.

Assistant Professor SWII,

MUHAMMAD MUNEER, B V Hospital, Bahawalpur.

Senior Registrar SW II

Atiqur Rehan, B V Hospital, Bahawalpur.

Registrar SW II,

GULZAR AHMED, B V Hospital, Bahawalpur.

Associate Professor SW II,

Gulzar Ahmed, B V Hospital, Bahawalpur.

Senior Registrar SW II,


