Association between Red cells distribution width and glycemic control among people with type 2 diabetes.


  • Rubina Sabir Baqai Institute of Diabetology and Endocrinology, Baqai Medical University.
  • Saima Askari Baqai Institute of Diabetology and Endocrinology, Baqai Medical University
  • Asher Fawwad Baqai Institute of Diabetology and Endocrinology, Baqai Medical University
  • Abdul Basit Baqai Institute of Diabetology and Endocrinology, Baqai Medical University, Karachi.



Glycemic Control, Pakistan, RDW, T2DM


Objective: To evaluate Red blood cell distribution width (RDW) in people with type 2 diabetes and its relationship with glycemic control. Study Design: Retrospective study. Setting: Baqai Institute of Diabetology and Endocrinology, Baqai Medical University. Demographic, Clinical and Biochemical Data were retrieved from hospital management system of BIDE. Period: September 2018 to April 2019. Material & Methods: Ethical approval was obtained from the Institutional Review Board of BIDE. Based on the HbA1c values, patients were divided into two groups, HbA1c < 7.0% and HbA1c ≥ 7.0%. RDW calculated from RBC histogram in Nihon Kohden fully automated analyzer. Results: RDW found 13.9±1.88 and 13.57±1.64 (p-value 0.018) in good and poorly controlled glycemic groups respectively. Poor glycemic group had higher levels of white cell count (9.58±4.34) and Triglycerides (170.12±129.13) (p-value <0.05), whereas controlled glycemic group demonstrated higher levels of BMI (29.03±6.01), MCV (84.36±7.81) and HDL (33.75±12.31). RDW was directly correlated with gender (p-value <0.0001) and duration of diabetes (p-value 0.01), and showed significant and inverse correlation with HbA1c. Age, blood pressure, duration of diabetes, serum LDL cholesterol, and the CBC values demonstrated no significant differences between the both groups. Conclusion: We found significant correlation between RDW and glycemic control.

Author Biographies

Rubina Sabir, Baqai Institute of Diabetology and Endocrinology, Baqai Medical University.

MSc, Laboratory Manager Clinical and Research Laboratory, 

Saima Askari, Baqai Institute of Diabetology and Endocrinology, Baqai Medical University

FCPS, Deputy Head Research Department, 

Asher Fawwad, Baqai Institute of Diabetology and Endocrinology, Baqai Medical University

PhD, Professor and Head of Biochemistry Department, Baqai Medical University,

Honorary Research Director, 

Abdul Basit, Baqai Institute of Diabetology and Endocrinology, Baqai Medical University, Karachi.

FRCP, Professor of Medicine, 






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