
  • FARAH YOUSAF Jinnah Hospital Lahore
  • ARIF TAJAMAL Allama Iqbal Medical College Lahore
  • SHAHIDA SHEIKH Allama Iqbal Medical College Lahore
  • Faiza Sultan Gynae Deptt Jinnah Hospital Lahore
  • Ras h id a Latif Gynae Deptt Jinnah Hospital Lahore



Functional Ovarian Cysts, Symptomatology, Polycystic ovaries


Objective: To study the symptomatology of functional ovarian
cysts. Study Design: Cross-sectional, observational study. Setting: Outpatient Department of Gynae Unit,
Jinnah Hospital, Lahore from June 2003 to December 2003. Material & Methods: All patients attending
Gynae outpatient department Jinnah Hospital, Lahore who met the inclusion criteria were selected. Information
regarding age, symptoms like abdominal pain, menstrual cycle pattern, dyspareunia, hirsuitism and obesity were
documented. Results: During the six months period fifty-seven patients were included in the study, 38 patients
(66.66%) of the study population was less than 30 Yrs of age, 26 patients (45.61%) had dysmenorrhoae, 14
patients (24.56%) had menorrhagia. No other menstrual irregularities were noted. 11 patients (19.29%)
presented with lower abdominal pain. 27 patients (47.36%) had body mass index of greater than 30. Acne was
seen in 20 (35.08%) patients and melasma in 12 (21.05%). Hirsutism was not seen in the study population.
Family history of ovarian cysts was reported in 3 patients (5.26%) only. Conclusion: Functional Ovarian Cysts
are often asymptomatic and seen in relatively younger age group (less than 30 years). The results of this study
reflected a positive association between functional ovarian cyst and obesity. Although dysmenorrhea was also
seen in half of the patients of functional ovarian cysts, more studies with larger patients base are required to
judge any association.

Author Biographies

FARAH YOUSAF, Jinnah Hospital Lahore

Senior Registrar Gynaecology

ARIF TAJAMAL, Allama Iqbal Medical College Lahore

Associate Prof Gynaecology

SHAHIDA SHEIKH, Allama Iqbal Medical College Lahore

Professor of Gynaecology

Faiza Sultan, Gynae Deptt Jinnah Hospital Lahore

Resident Registrar

Ras h id a Latif, Gynae Deptt Jinnah Hospital Lahore

Resident Registrar






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