
  • MISS ROBINA RASHID Lecturer Independent Medical College Faisalabad
  • Miss. Sadia `Falak University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.
  • KHALIL-UR- REHMAN University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.
  • Miss Huma Saleem University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.




Objectives: This study was undertaken for the comparative evaluation
of paraoxonase (PON) and Serum Glutamate Oxaloacetate Transaminase (SGOT) levels in male cardiac patients and
normal subjects and the evaluation of cardiac dysfunction by assaying the enzymes PON and SGOT. Study design:
Prospective Period: Six months from June 2003 to Nov 2003. Setting: DHQ Hospital Faisalabad/ Department of
Chemistry Agriculture University of Faisalabad. Method & Materials: The blood of the male cardiac patients as well
as control subjects was collected and serum was separated, that was used for the determination of PON and SGOT
activity. Twenty blood samples from male cardiac patients from DHQ Faisalabad was collected. At the same time 20
other male subjects which were not suffering from any active cardiac disease were selected as control. Ante-cubital
venous blood samples without anticoagulant were centrifuged to obtain the serum. Results: Paraoxonase is present
in the blood on the HDL and it can break down the oxidized LDL to non-harmful products therefore the activity of HDL
and LDL was determined along with other two parameters. It was observed that the cardiac male patients had low
activity of PON and HDL as compared to normal. Whereas activity of SGOT and LDL was lower in normal subjects as
compared to the cardiac male patients. The activity of PON and HDL (56.86±0.94 U/ml), (14.58±0.14 mg/dl) is lower
in cardiac male patients as compared to normal (241±0.85 U/ml), (46.66±1.10 mg/dl)respectively, while SGOT (219.0±2
U/ml and LDL (177.3±4.73 mg/dl) was greater as compared to the control (24.78±2.32 U/ml) and (119.2±1.08 mg/dl)
respectively. Conclusion: It is concluded that there was an inverse correlation between serum PON and SGOT.

Author Biographies

Miss. Sadia `Falak, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.

Department of Chemistry

KHALIL-UR- REHMAN, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.

Associate Professor Biochemistry

Miss Huma Saleem, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.

Department of Chemistry,


