Dyslipidemia, End stage renal disease, high density lipoprotein, chronic glomerulonephiritis, Hypertensive Nephrosclerosis, Hypertriglyceridemia, AtherosclerosisAbstract
Objectives: (1)To find the pattern of dyslipidemias in patients with CRF.
(2.)To compare the results with international studies. Design: Prospective observational study. Setting: In Medical Unit
I, II, III and Nephrology ward of Allied Hospital Faisalabad. Period: (06 Months) From: Nov 2004 to April 2005. . Allied
Hospital is a teaching hospital attached with Punjab Medical College Faisalabad having 1100 beds. Chronic renal
failure, a very common disease, is accompanied by many complications. One of such complications is abnormality of
lipids. The lipids are disturbed in a characteristic manner. This disturbed lipid pattern predisposes the patients to
atherosclerotic complications and increased mortality due to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents. Present
study was conducted to determine the pattern of dyslipidemias in patients of CRF.50 patients diagnosed to have CRF
were subjected to fasting lipid profile, irrespective of cause and sex. Maximum patients had elevated triglyceride levels
(46%). A considerable percentage (16%) had decreased HDL levels and a small percentage had elevated LDL (4%).
Total lipids were found to be elevated in 04 patients (8%). All the patients with elevated total lipid were suffering from
diabetes mellitus. Total cholesterol was elevated in 08 patients (16%). This disturbed lipid pattern has role in
atherosclerosis. The patients of CRF who are already having disturbed endothelial function are more prone to it.