
  • M. SALEEM SHEIKH Q.A.M.C. Bahawalpur
  • TALLAT MAHMOOD B.V. Hospital Bahawalpur
  • M. AMIN SHEIKH Q.A.M.C. Bahawalpur



Parents, Coin, Children, Foreign body


Objectives. To study the attitude of parents
about the coins given to their children, especially about their knowledge of coins that these may become F.B. in
oesophagus and can cause an unexpected problem. Design: A questionnaire- based survey presented to parents of
the children admitted in ENT ward having coin trapped in their oesophagus. Place and Duration of Study: ENT
Department Bahawal Victoria Hospital, Bahawalpur from July 2004 to June 2005. Subjects and Methods: Parents of
the children, who were admitted in ENT ward B.V.H, Bahawalpur, were interviewed using a questionnaire proforma
focusing especially about the knowledge of parents about coins as a possibility of F Body. Ethical requirements including
the administration of written informed consent and provision of confidentiality were ensured. SPSS computer software
was used for data management. Results In our study 84 out of 100 patients were less then 7 years age. Sixty two were
male and 38 were female children. Seventy four of the children were from rural areas. Most of the parents were illiterate
and of poor social class. Fifty nine had history less then 1 days and 28 had 1-3 days. Eighty eight patients were
operated with one day. Most of the parents (54%) were anxious and worried Thirty five were ashamed while 11% were
not bothered. Most of parents pointed out risk factors as easy availability of coin (78%), easy access of coin for children
(56%), bad habit of children to put every object in mouth (42%) and lack of knowledge of parents about the risk of coin
as foreign body in esophagus (88%). Future commitments of the parents were noted as follows:-restriction of coin for
children (60%) education of children (32%) and 8% of parents did not bother about care of children for this.
Recommended Suggestion by parents were these Govt. Should ban (92%), role of press and newspaper (62%), role
of T.V and radio.(74%), role of health workers to educate people (88%). Conclusion: In our setup, most of the parents
are illiterate and unaware of the risk that the coin can become a foreign body in esophagus in children. They can be
awarded and educated via media like press, television and radio and compaign by health workers. Incidence of these
emergency cases can be reduced by these measures to negligible level.

Author Biographies

M. SALEEM SHEIKH, Q.A.M.C. Bahawalpur

Assistant Professor, ENT

TALLAT MAHMOOD, B.V. Hospital Bahawalpur

Head of ENT Department

M. AMIN SHEIKH, Q.A.M.C. Bahawalpur

Assistant Professor Paeds-I






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