Existing perception of Patient safety among health personnel in operating room at CHICH (Children Hospital & Institute of Child Health, Lahore.


  • Muhammad Naveed Bhatti CH&ICH.
  • Rubab Zohra CH & ICH.
  • Nabila Talat CH&ICH.
  • Muhammad Ihsan Afro Asian Institute.




Health Care Providers, Operating Rooms, Patient Safety Culture, Who Questionnaire, Workplace Safety


Background: Patient Safety is the key concept of every healthcare setup worldwide as it depicts the perception of health care personnel about patient safety and quality of care delivered to patients. The World Health Organization along with other major organizations has taken initiatives to deal with patient safety challenges. Objective: To assess the existing perception of patient safety among health personnel in operating rooms of tertiary care hospital in Pakistan. Study Design: Cross Sectional study. Setting: Children Hospital & Institute of Child Health Lahore. Period: July 2018 to December 2018. Material & Method: Participants were selected through proportionate simple random sampling. The WHO patient safety survey was used to assess perception of patient safety culture. Data was collected after taking consent. The data was entered in SPSS version 25 and analyzed by it. “Composite positive response rate” for the various dimensions were calculated. Reliability was checked by Cronabach alpha which was more than 0.7 (70%). Results: The overall response rate in the study was 100%. Average composite positive response percentage was 65.17% and it varied among different cadres of HCPs ranged from 51% to 88%. The dimensions “Personal attitude to Patient safety” and “Personal influence over safety” showed highest positive response among all cadres (88 % and 67 %) respectively. composite Positive percent response about patient safety culture varied among different cadres of health personnel, nurses showed highest positive response percentage of 71.2%. Conclusion: Safety culture assessment is a useful tool for evaluation of patient safety interventions, measuring organization’s safety culture and raising awareness. WHO patient safety study tool showed the average positive response rate of 65.17% but the dimension “Safety of health care system”, and “Error and patient safety” have least positive response which shifts the focus to organizational conditions that lead to adverse events and patient harm in healthcare organizations. The result also highlighted areas that required improvement, as perceived by health care workers.

Author Biographies

Muhammad Naveed Bhatti, CH&ICH.

BSc (Hons)


Rubab Zohra, CH & ICH.

BSc (Hons)

Operation Theatre Technologist

Nabila Talat, CH&ICH.


Professor Surgery Unit- II

Muhammad Ihsan, Afro Asian Institute.

BSc (Hons)







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