Outcome of successful graft take of Integra and split thickness skin graft after the release of post-burn neck contracture.


  • Abdul Malik Mujahid Ghazi Medical College Dg Khan.
  • Fraz Ahmed Tarar Jinnah Burn and Reconstructive Surgery Center Lahore.
  • Farrukh Aslam Khalid Jinnah Burn and Reconstructive Surgery Center Lahore.
  • Yawar Sajjad Jinnah Burn and Reconstructive Surgery Center Lahore.
  • Usman Ishaque Jinnah Burn and Reconstructive Surgery Center Lahore.
  • Moazzam Nazeer Tarar Jinnah Burn and Reconstructive Surgery Center Lahore.




Burn, Graft Take, Integra, Neck Contracture, Split Thickness Skin Graft


Objective: To determine the frequency of the successful graft take of Integra™ and split thickness skin graft after the release of post-burn neck contracture. Study Design: Descriptive Case Series. Setting: Department of Plastic Surgery, Jinnah Burn and Reconstructive Surgery Centre, Lahore. Period: 1st October, 2017 to 30th September, 2018. Material & Methods: A total of 70 cases, those who full filled the inclusion criteria were included in the study through non-probability consecutive sampling. Informed consent was obtained from all the patient. Integra was applied in all the patients after the release of contracture and excision of scar tissue and was inspected every 3-5 days. After 3 weeks, the outer layer of silicone sheet was removed and replaced by thin split-thickness skin graft. The graft was secured with skin staples, absorbent gauze and the crepe bandage. All the patients were followed up regularly and the final outcome was assessed at 6 weeks. Results: The mean age of the patients was observed as 34.51 ± 14.19 years with age range of 11to 59 years. Among these 70 patients 61.4% were male and 38.6% were females. The mean body mass index was observed to be 22.59 + 3.68 kg/m2. Out of these 70 patients, the outcome in terms of successful graft take with Integra treatment was achieved in 60 (85.7%) patients. On stratification, statistically insignificant difference was observed for the effect modifiers like age, gender and BMI. Conclusion: In our study we found that Integra and STSG can be considered as one of emerging and promising modality in burn management and reconstructive surgery with the significantly high success rate in terms of complete re vascularization and skin graft take.

Author Biographies

Abdul Malik Mujahid, Ghazi Medical College Dg Khan.


Assistant Professor Plastic Surgery

Fraz Ahmed Tarar, Jinnah Burn and Reconstructive Surgery Center Lahore.


Senior Registrar Plastic Surgery 

Farrukh Aslam Khalid, Jinnah Burn and Reconstructive Surgery Center Lahore.


Assistant Professor Plastic Surgery 

Yawar Sajjad, Jinnah Burn and Reconstructive Surgery Center Lahore.


Associate Professor Plastic Surgery 

Usman Ishaque, Jinnah Burn and Reconstructive Surgery Center Lahore.


Medical Officer Plastic Surgery 

Moazzam Nazeer Tarar, Jinnah Burn and Reconstructive Surgery Center Lahore.


Professor of Plastic Surgery 






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