Frequency of metabolic syndrome in patients with newly diagnosed Type II Diabetes at DOW University Hospital, Karachi-Pakistan.


  • Muhammad Umar Khan National Institute of Diabetes & Endocrinology Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi-Pakistan.
  • Akhtar Ali Baloch National Institute of Diabetes & Endocrinology, Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi, Pakistan.
  • Muhammad Arsalan Sindh Hospital Karachi.
  • Syed Muhammad Adnan National Institute of Diabetes & Endocrinology Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi-Pakistan.



DUHS, Metabolic Syndrome, NIDE, Type II Diabetic


Objectives: To determine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in patients with newly diagnosed type 2. Study Design: Descriptive Cross Sectional study. Setting: Dow University Hospital. Period: October 2018 to January 2019. Material & Methods: A total 342 patients prevalence of metabolic syndrome in patients with newly diagnosed type II diabetes at Dow University Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan. Data was collected through a questionnaire which is designed to record the age, gender, BMI, FBS, Waist circumference, blood pressure, HDL and triglyceride level of newly diagnosed of diabetic patients. Frequency and percentages were calculated for these variables. SPSS version 21 was used to analyze the overall results. Results: A total of 342 new diagnosed diabetic were included in this study. 189 (55.26%) were males and 153 (44.74%) were females. The mean + SD of age was 48.21±9.28 years. The mean + SD of FBS was about 192±43 mg/dl with ranges from 98 to 482 mg/dl. The mean + SD of Serum TG was about 243±152 mg/dl with ranges from 189 to 325 mg/dl. The mean + SD HDL was about 38.9±9.23 mg/dl with ranges from 12 to 102 mg/dl. The mean + SD of waist circumference was about 110.5±11.90 cm. The mean + SD systolic & diastolic blood pressure was about 150 + 8.23 & 98 + 11.28 respectively. The mean + SD of BMI was 29.23+ 11.23. Metabolic syndrome was diagnosed in 252 (73.68%) in newly diabetic patients. Conclusion: Metabolic syndromes were highly associated with newly diagnosed type II diabetes patients.

Author Biographies

Muhammad Umar Khan, National Institute of Diabetes & Endocrinology Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi-Pakistan.

MBBS, FCPS (Medicine)

Assistant Professor Diabetes & Endocrinology


Akhtar Ali Baloch, National Institute of Diabetes & Endocrinology, Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi, Pakistan.

MBBS, MRCP (Ireland), MRCP (London), FRCP (London), FRCP (GLASGOW), FRCP (Ednburg), FRCP (Ireland)

Professor Medicine

Muhammad Arsalan, Sindh Hospital Karachi.

MBBS, MSc (Diabetes & Endocrinology)

Medical Officer Diabetes & Endocrinology


Syed Muhammad Adnan, National Institute of Diabetes & Endocrinology Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi-Pakistan.

MS (Biostatistics & Epidemiology)







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