Live birth rates in patients of antiphospholipid syndrome treated with antiplatelet drugs as compared to antiplatelet drugs plus antithrombotic drugs.


  • Naheed Fatima Bahawal Victoria Hospital.
  • Shehnaz Anwar Bahawal Victoria Hospital.
  • Khiaynat Sarwar Hashmi Bahawal Victoria Hospital.
  • Noreena Saba Bahawal Victoria Hospital, Bahawalpur.



Antiphospholipid Syndrome, Antiplatelet Drugs, Antithrombotic Drugs, Loprin


Objective: To compare antiplatelet drugs as compared to antiplatelet drugs plus antithrombotic drugs in patients of antiphospholipid syndrome. Study Design: Randomized Control Trial. Setting: Bahawal Victoria Hospital Bahwalpur. Period: October 2018 to October 2019. Material & Methods: Two hundred ten were included in the study.105 patients were treated with loprin and 105 patients were treated with loprin and low molecular weight heparin (clexane). Pregnancy outcome were studied in both groups in terms of live fetal birth. Results: The mean age in group-A was 26.24. In group-B the mean age of patients was 26.50 years. 145 patients delivered full term babies while 65 patients delivered premature babies or presented with abortion.63 patients in group-A and 82 patients in group-B delivered full term babies while 42 patients in group-A and 23 patients in group-B presented with abortion or delivered premature babies with significant p values of 0.005. Conclusion: Use of loprin and clexane 40 mg subcutaneously daily in patient with recurrent pregnancy loss due to antiphospholipid syndrome resulted in high live birth rates compared to patients who took only loprin.

Author Biographies

Naheed Fatima, Bahawal Victoria Hospital.

FCPS, Professor Gynaecology & Obstetrics, 

Shehnaz Anwar, Bahawal Victoria Hospital.

FCPS, Assistant Professor Gynaecology & Obstetrics, 

Khiaynat Sarwar Hashmi, Bahawal Victoria Hospital.

FCPS, Senior Registrar Gynaecology & Obstetrics, 

Noreena Saba, Bahawal Victoria Hospital, Bahawalpur.

MBBS, Post Graduate Resident Gynaecology & Obstetrics, 






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