Health problems and access to health care services for the persons with disabilities in Lahore.


  • Samina Ashraf University of The Punjab, Lahore.
  • Maimonna Ashraf PGMI/AMC/LGH Lahore.
  • Uzair-ul- Hassan University of Sargodha.



Access, Health Problems, Health Care, Mild Disabilities, Severe Disabilities


Objectives: This study aims to explore the major health problems of persons with disabilities, to see the difference between the health problems of persons with mild to moderate and severe to profound disabilities, and highlight the problems. Study Design: Quantitative Study. Setting: University of the Punjab, Lahore. Period: 15 March 2018 to 14 Dec 2020. Material & Methods: The study included a quantitative survey conducted with interviews of 100 persons with different disabilities (50 mild to moderate disabilities, 50 severe to profound disabilities) selected by applying convenient sampling method. A questionnaire was used for the data collection. The questionnainaire comprised of three parts: first part was about demographics,the second part consisted of items related to the health problems and third part consisted of items related to the access to health care services. Non-parametric statistical analysis was used for the data analysis. Comparison between persons with mild to moderate and severe to profound disabilities was made. Results: Results showed that persons with severe to profound disabilities generally experienced more health problems and problems in accessing   health care services as compared to persons with mild to moderate disabilities. Conclusion: The study concluded that persons with disabilities experience physical, attitudinal and communication problems while accessing health services.

Author Biographies

Samina Ashraf, University of The Punjab, Lahore.


Assistant Professor Special Education

Maimonna Ashraf, PGMI/AMC/LGH Lahore.


Professor Obstetrics & Gynacology


Uzair-ul- Hassan, University of Sargodha.


Associate Professor






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