Chikungunya Fever: Assessment of knowledge amongst physicians of Lahore


  • Saadia Ayub LMDC, Lahore.
  • Rafia Hussain LMDC, Lahore.
  • Seema Daud LMDC, Lahore.



chikungunya, knowledge, physicians


Introduction: Chikungunya, a dengue-like disease, is characterised by fever and severe joint pains and though it is caused by alpha toga virus, chikungunya shares the same vector as dengue that is aedes aegypti mosquito. Studies carried out in tropical regions showed that there is co-existence of dengue and chikungunya therefore it is essential to correctly identify chikungunya from dengue.

Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the knowledge of doctors regarding chikungunya fever and their practices.

Setting: Medicine OPDs of Ghurki Trust Teaching Hospital, Sheikh Zayed Hospital, and Sir Ganga Ram Hospital from January to March 2018

Methodology: Cross-sectional study with a sample of 121 carried out using a structured questionnaire. Sampling population were doctors working in medicine departments of the three hospitals. Questionnaire assessed knowledge of doctors and were scored accordingly and grouped into good, adequate and poor knowledge. Scores of doctors were then analyzed with different variables.

Results: Mean score was 9.4 ± 3.5 with 45.5% having poor knowledge, 37.2% with adequate knowledge and only 17.4% with good knowledge. Applying test of significance showed the variables with significant difference in scoring were age of doctors, designation of doctors and whether a doctor was confident enough to treat a chikungunya patient.

Conclusion: Knowledge regarding chikungunya was adequate however a significant number of doctors pointed out that their knowledge was insufficient and they felt under-confident treating a patient. Therefore, more education and awareness in the form of workshops, seminars and conferences are required on chikungunya.



Author Biographies

Saadia Ayub, LMDC, Lahore.


Post Graduate Trainee Community Medicine


Rafia Hussain, LMDC, Lahore.


Post Graduate Trainee Community Medicine


Seema Daud, LMDC, Lahore.


Professor Community Medicine







Origianl Article