Early versus delayed cord clamping in term neonates.


  • Samina Mumtaz 03027347375
  • Shagufta Tabassum Nishtar Hospital, Multan.
  • Saima Afzal THQ Hospital, Multan.




Delayed Cord Clamping, Early Cord Clamping, Neonatal Anemia


Objective: To compare mean hemoglobin levels of neonates after early and late cord clamping. Study Design: Randomized Controlled Trial. Setting: Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology at Nishtar Hospital Multan. Period: June 2019 to December 2019. Material & Methods: A total of 60 women booked and unbooked were included in study. Selected patients randomized into group A and B, each group comprising of 30 patients depending upon the envelope with assigned treatment (either early or delayed cord clamping) picked up by the patient. Results: In present study, two groups were made. Group A consisted of 30 neonates in whom early cord clamping was done while in group B delayed clamping was done in 30 neonates. Mean age of mothers was 28.4±0.4 vs. 28.6±0.5 years in group A and B respectively. There were 25 mothers (83.3%) in group A and 21 mothers (70%) in group B between 25–30 years. There were 5 mothers (16.7%) in group A and 8 mothers (26.7%) in group B between 31–35 years of age. While none of the mother in group A and 1 mother (3.3%) in group B was between 36–40 years of age. Mean parity of the mothers was 1.1±0.2 vs. 1.4±0.2 in group A and B respectively. Eight mothers (85.4%) in group A and 7 mothers (82.5%) in group B were primipara. While 22 mothers (14.6%) in group A and 23 mothers in group B (17.5%) were para 1–3. Gestational age was 37–38 weeks in 13(43.3%) vs. 19(63.3%) women in group A and B respectively. While there were 17(56.7%) vs. 11(36.7%) women in group A and B respectively of the gestational age 39–40 weeks. Pre-delivery maternal mean hemoglobin levels was 11.9±0.1 gm/dl vs. 12.3±0.1 gm/dl in group A and B respectively. Pre-delivery maternal hemoglobin levels were 10–10.9 g/dl in 2 mothers (6.7%) vs. 1 mother (3.3%) in group A and B respectively. Neonatal mean hemoglobin levels were 16.8±0.2 g/dl vs. 17.7±0.1 g/dl in group A and B respectively. Out of the 31 booked mothers, neonatal mean hemoglobin level was 16.8±0.2 g/dl vs. 17.9±0.1 g/dl in group A and B respectively. While out of the 29 unbooked mothers, neonatal mean hemoglobin level was 16.7±0.2 g/dl vs. 17.5±0.1 g/dl in group A and B respectively. When compared the neonatal mean hemoglobin levels, there was significant difference between mean hemoglobin levels of neonates between the two groups (p=0.000). Conclusion: Delayed cord clamping in term neonates for a minimum of 2 minutes at birth is beneficial to the newborn in terms of improved hemoglobin levels. There is no significant difference seen in pre-delivery maternal hemoglobin levels and neonatal hemoglobin either in delayed cord clamping group or in early cord clamping group.

Author Biographies

Shagufta Tabassum, Nishtar Hospital, Multan.


Assistant Professor Gynea & Obst


Saima Afzal, THQ Hospital, Multan.


Consultant Gynecologist






Origianl Article