Neurodevelopmental status in children with congenital hypothyroidism at the children’s hospital and the institute of the child health Multan.


  • Erum Afzal The Children Hospital and The Institute of the Child Health Multan.
  • Waqas Imran Khan The Children Hospital and The Institute of the Child Health Multan.
  • Sajjad Hussain The Children Hospital and The Institute of the Child Health Multan.



Congenital Hypothyroidism, Neurodevelopment, The Denver Developmental Screening Test


Objectives: To determine the neurodevelopmental status in children with congenital hypothyroidism. Study Design: Cross Sectional Study. Setting: Department of Pediatric Endocrine and Developmental Pediatrics Outpatient at The Children’s Hospital and The Institute of the Child Health (CHICH) Multan. Period: January to December 2019. Material & Methods: A total of 119 children, 1-5years of age having congenital hypothyroidism were included. Their socioeconomical status, age at which the diagnosis was made, duration of thyroxine intake was noted. Development in domains of personal-social, fine motor-adaptive, language and gross motor skills was assessed by using The Denver developmental screening test (DDST). Developmental quotient of each domain was measured and less than 70% was considered significant delayed. SPSS-20 was used for statistical analysis. Results: Out of 119 patients, 47.8% were male, 61.3% were among the age group of 1-3 years and the mean age was 1.40 ± 0.489 years. Forty-five percent (45.4%) belonged to low and 47.1% to middle socioeconomical status. Only 46.2% children started taking thyroxine within 2 months of life. Significant delay in personal-social domain was detected in 73.9% (n=88) children while 80.7% (n=96), 80.7% (n=96) and 86.6% (n=103) patients had significant developmental delay in fine motor-adaptive, language and gross motor skills respectively. Developmental delay was significantly low in children started on thyroxine therapy within 2-months of age (p-value ≤ 0.05 for all domains of development. Conclusion: Children with congenital hypothyroidism suffer from delayed development, so these patients must be referred for developmental therapy along with medical therapy.

Author Biographies

Erum Afzal, The Children Hospital and The Institute of the Child Health Multan.


Assistant Professor Developmental Pediatrics

Waqas Imran Khan, The Children Hospital and The Institute of the Child Health Multan.


Assistant Professor Developmental Pediatrics

Sajjad Hussain, The Children Hospital and The Institute of the Child Health Multan.


Assistant Professor Developmental Pediatrics






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