Comparison of topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and oil of evening primrose in management of mastalgias; A randomized controlled trial.


  • Nausheen Hasham Akbar Niazi Teaching Hospital, Islamabad
  • Ahmed Raza Akbar Niazi Teaching Hospital, Islamabad.
  • Tahira Hameed Akbar Niazi Teaching Hospital, Islamabad.
  • Naveed Arshad Islamabad Medical and Dental College, Islamabad.
  • Syed Tatheer Abbas Akbar Niazi Teaching Hospital, Islamabad.
  • Arrham Hai Akbar Niazi Teaching Hospital, Islamabad.



Breast, Evening Primrose Oil, Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Pain


Objectives: To compare the effects of topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs over oil of evening primrose in mastalgias in terms of frequency of pain. Study Design: Randomized Controlled Trail. Setting: Department of Surgical at Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi. Period: January 2016 to June 2016. Material & Methods: A total of 160 consecutive female patients, ages 17-45 years with history of breast pain for last 2-3 months (cyclic and noncyclic), were presenting in surgical OPD with symptoms of mastalgias between January 2016 to June 2016 included in the study. Patients allocated in two groups, Group A received topical NSAID in 0.5% Piroxicam gel for local application to affected area twice daily for three months and Group B was given oil of evening primrose (OEP) capsules (Efamol) 500mg twice daily for three months. Patients mastalgia pain was recorded by using VAS scale at baseline (1st day) and at end of treatment (3rd month). Pain calculated by compared in terms of mean, standard deviation between groups and independent sample T test was used. Percentage compare the efficacy of response of two therapies among group A and group B chi-square distribution was used. Results: One hundred and sixty (160) patients were recruited in this study. The mean ages of the patients were 27.54±7.53 years with minimum 17 and maximum 45 years. Out of 160 patients, 115 (71.9%) were younger than 30 years of age and 45 (28.1%) were between 30 and 45 years of age. Results showed significantly lower pain in patients using topical NSAIDs as compared to OEP capsules (p=0.000). Conclusion: Topical NSAIDs are more significant and show more improvement in reduction of pain in both cyclic and noncyclic mastalgia patients as compared to oil of evening primrose.

Author Biographies

Nausheen Hasham, Akbar Niazi Teaching Hospital, Islamabad


Registrar Surgery

Ahmed Raza, Akbar Niazi Teaching Hospital, Islamabad.

MRCS, FCPS Surgery

Associate Professor Surgery

Tahira Hameed, Akbar Niazi Teaching Hospital, Islamabad.


Registrar Surgery

Naveed Arshad, Islamabad Medical and Dental College, Islamabad.


Assistant Professor Rehabilitation

Syed Tatheer Abbas, Akbar Niazi Teaching Hospital, Islamabad.

FCPS Surgery

Faculty Surgery

Arrham Hai, Akbar Niazi Teaching Hospital, Islamabad.


Registrar General Surgery






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