A study to compare effects of shoulder position on infraclavicular central venous catheterization in critically ill patients.


  • Sairah Sadaf SZMC Rahim Yar Khan, Pakistan.
  • Babar Bashir SZMC Rahim Yar Khan, Pakistan.




Catheterization, Classic, Infra Clavicular, Lowered, Retracted, Subclavian


Objectives: Aim of this study was to compare the effects of two different shoulder positions on infraclavicular subclavian venous catheterization in critically ill patients. Study Design: Prospective Comparative study. Setting: Sheikh Zayed Medical College Rahim Yar Khan Pakistan. Period: 1st July 2017 to 30th June 2018. Material & Methods: Enrolling 100 patients thru convenient sampling, divided into two groups, Group A & Group B, 50 in each group. In group A patients were put in supine position, with head turned to contra lateral side and caudal pull was applied on ipsilateral shoulder. While in group B patients were lying supine, head turned to contra lateral side and shoulders were retracted by placing a small pillow vertically under the chest between the scapulae. In both groups, subclavian vein was approached through infra clavicular route. Number of attempts of venous punctures (1st attempt / 2nd attempt), total time spent on procedure (from 1st skin puncture to CVC insertion), complications (arterial puncture, pneumothorax, hydrothorax, malpositioning), any hemodynamic irregularity (ECG changes), radiographic findings to confirm successful CVC insertion was recorded. Results: Number of successful subclavian venous catheterizations was same in both groups (94% vs. 94%) with no significant difference (p= 1.000). 1st attempt success was more in group A  as compared to group B, though statistically this was not significant (p= 0.275). Total time spent on CVC insertion (from 1st skin puncture to catheter insertion) was less than 05 mints in 84% patient in group A and 82% in group B. While more than 05 mints were spent on 16% vs. 18% patients in group A vs. B. This was also not statistically significant (p=0.790). In group A 2/50 (4%) while in group B 1/50 (2%) cases were recorded as malpositioning on post-CVC radiograph. Other complications were not encountered in either group. Conclusion: Lowered shoulder and retracted shoulder positions are equally effective for SVC insertion in terms of success, 1st attempt success, total time spent and number of complications.

Author Biographies

Sairah Sadaf, SZMC Rahim Yar Khan, Pakistan.


Assistant Professor Anesthesia & Critical Care

Babar Bashir, SZMC Rahim Yar Khan, Pakistan.


Registrar Coronary Care Unit






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