Assessment of malnutrition by different anthropometric method and effect of poverty and maternal education as a barrier to healthy nutritional status among children under five years of age.


  • Hassan Ali Multan Medical & Dental College, Multan, Pakistan.
  • Saadia Khan Children Hospital & Institute of Child Health, Multan, Pakistan.
  • Ibad Ali Children Hospital & Institute of Child Health, Multan, Pakistan.
  • Asad Abbas Children Hospital & Institute of Child Health, Multan, Pakistan.
  • Reema Arshad Aga Khan University.
  • Iqra Akram Bahuddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan.
  • Abeeha Ajmal Bahuddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan.



Appetite Test, Malnutrition, Nutrition Security, Nutritional Status, Mid Upper Arm Circumference, Maternal Education


Objectives: Pakistan is facing double burden of malnutrition. The purpose of current study was to access the nutritional status by different anthropometric methods and common barriers that affect the nutritional status of children. Study Design: Cross Sectional study. Setting: Children Hospital & Institute of Child Health Multan, Pakistan. Period: From 1st March 2019 to 1ST January 2020. Material & Methods: The study contained of 405 children with 216 boys and 187 girls. The data was collected by trained nutritionist in OPD of Children Hospital & Institute of Child Health and data was analyzed by using SPSS version 21.0. Results: The study showed that malnutrition is caused by poor socioeconomic status and low education level of care giver. The data showed that 318 (78.51%) participants involved in this study were malnourished. Nutritional status mostly affected during first birthday (36.79%). In this study 50.12% participants belonged to poor nutritional status and 47.65% mother were uneducated. Conclusion: The mother education and good socioeconomic status can prevent children from malnutrition. Feeding practices and weaning starting time also play role in defining nutritional status of children. Children under five year of age are at very sensitive of age and more prone to diseases so well balance diet and mother feeding upto-2 years of age can prevent children from chronic diseases and improve nutritional status.

Author Biographies

Hassan Ali, Multan Medical & Dental College, Multan, Pakistan.

BS (Human Nutrition and Dietetics)

Senior Lecturer Clinical Nutrition

Saadia Khan, Children Hospital & Institute of Child Health, Multan, Pakistan.

MD (Paediatrics)

Assistant Professor Preventive Paediatrics


Ibad Ali, Children Hospital & Institute of Child Health, Multan, Pakistan.

MD (Paediatrics)

Assistant Professor Preventive Paediatrics

Asad Abbas, Children Hospital & Institute of Child Health, Multan, Pakistan.

BS (Human Nutrition and Dietetics)

Clinical Nutritionist Neurology

Reema Arshad, Aga Khan University.

MSc (Food and Nutrition)

Research Associate


Iqra Akram, Bahuddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan.

Bachelor in Human Nutrition and Dietetics

Abeeha Ajmal, Bahuddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan.

Bachelor in Human Nutrition and Dietetics






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