Comparative study of acylated ghrelin levels in obese diabetes mellitus type 2 and lean diabetes mellitus type 2 female aged 30-45.


  • Zaheer Iqbal Sheikh Fatima Memorial Medical and Dental College.
  • Amna Rashid Tariq University of Lahore.
  • Amer Shoaib Fatima Memorial Medical and Dental College.
  • Saeed Mahmood Ameer-ud-din Medical College, PGMI, General Hospital, Lahore.



Acylated Ghrelin, BMI, Diabetes Mellitus, Glucose, Insulin


Objectives: To critically analyze the concentration of Acylated ghrelin and its comparative level between lean and obese type two Diabetes Mellitus female patients aged Thrity-fourty five. Study Design: Cohort study design. Setting: Department of Endocrinology, Lahore General Hospital, Lahore and Sheikh Zayad Hospital Lahore. Period: 1st March 2019 to 31st August 2019 (6 months). Material & Methods: Blood sample of fifty female individuals were taken after twelve hours of fasting which were divided into two groups obese type two diabetes mellitus patients having BMI> twenty eight and lean type two diabetes mellitus patients. For measurement of ghrelin concentrations, blood samples collected in specialized EDTA–aprotinin chilled test tubes were immediately centrifuged at two hundreds rpm and their acidification with 1 mol/L HCl (10% of sample volume) done to adjust pH four to preserve plasma acylated ghrelin. The serum was stored at -20c for hormonal assay of Ghrelin by Elisa kit of Biovender Laboratani of Czek Republic. Result: The statistical analysis of Acylated ghrelin concentration was done by using paired t-test and one way ANOVA showing significant difference between the concentration of ghrelin in both obese and lean with reference to BMI having P-value<0.0001. Conclusions: The study showed that acylated ghrelin levels were comparative on the lower side in obese type two DM as compared to lean type two DM with significant P-value <0.0001 by using two-tailed P-value.

Author Biographies

Zaheer Iqbal Sheikh, Fatima Memorial Medical and Dental College.

M.Phil (Physiology)

Senior Demonstrator Physiology

Amna Rashid Tariq, University of Lahore.

Ph.D (Physiology)

Research Supervisor IMMB


Amer Shoaib, Fatima Memorial Medical and Dental College.

M.Phil (Physiology)

Associate Professor Physiology

Saeed Mahmood, Ameer-ud-din Medical College, PGMI, General Hospital, Lahore.

MBBS, FCPS (Surgery)

Associate Professor of Surgery






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