Bacterial contaminants of operation theatre settings in public and Private Sector Hospitals in Gojra.


  • Sobia Noreen THQ Hospital Gojra.
  • Muhammad Ibrahim Yamin RMDC Lahore Cant
  • Ayesha Ajmal Mayo Hospital Lahore.
  • Muhammad Ajmal THQ Hospital Gojra.



Antibiotic Resistance, Bacterial Contaminaions, Operation Theatre, Air Sampling, Swab Test


The study aims to recognize bacterial colonization of surfaces and equipment’s in operation theaters and to determine the bacteriological contamination of air in OTs in Gojra. Objectives: To identify the bacteriological colonization of surfaces, inanimate objects, air, in the operation room facilities and antibiotic susceptibility profile of the isolates at tehsil Gojra hospitals. Study Design: One Group Pre and Post-experimental study. Settings: Department of Surgery THQ Hospital Gojra. Period: 1st January 2019 to 31st July 2019. Material & Methods: Operation theatres sampled and left vacant for more than one-hour before sampling. Settle pate method used for sampling of air by using agar plates and swab method for sampling of surfaces and equipment. Bacterial isolates identified by colony morphology. Gram Staining, Antibiotic Susceptibility testing done by disc diffusion technique. Conclusion: There is a high hazard for the occurrence of surgical site infections because of the significant level of pollution observed in our study. The results emphasize the need for proper cleaning, scrubbing techniques, improved disinfection and sterilization methods and regular fumigation of operation theatres to prevent the cause of infection and maintain a safe environment for the patients and health care professionals.

Author Biographies

Sobia Noreen, THQ Hospital Gojra.

BS (Hons) OT Technology
OT Technologist

Muhammad Ibrahim Yamin, RMDC Lahore Cant

2nd Year MBBS Student

Ayesha Ajmal, Mayo Hospital Lahore.

Medical Officer Peads Surgery


Muhammad Ajmal, THQ Hospital Gojra.


Consultant & HOD Surgery







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