Variability of anatomical features of frontal sinuses among the male ethnic groups residing in Karachi.


  • Quratulain Javaid Bahria University Medical and Dental College.
  • Ambreen Usmani Bahria University Medical and Dental College.



Anatomy, Ethnicity, Forensic Science, Frontal Sinus


Objectives: To determine anatomical variability in morphometry of frontal air sinuses in male ethnic groups residing in Karachi. Study Design: Cross sectional descriptive study. Setting: Radiology Department of Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center. Period: Nov 2018 to April 2019. Material & Methods: In total, the research subjects were 108. They were divided into four ethnic sub groups. Each ethnic subgroup had 27 members. The study subjects were in between 20 to 50 years of age with the mean age of 35.14 ± 8.68 years. Before the enrolment of the participants in the research, informed consent was taken. The methodology incorporated was X-ray radiography. The view for radiology was Water’s view. Area, height and width of both right and left frontal sinuses were measured by the help of Radiant DICOM digital software. A questionnaire was designed to record the demographic data. The parameters of area, height and width of the sinuses were noted in the proforma. The data was analyzed by the help of SPSS version 23.0. Results: The ethnic sub groups were compared by the application of One Way ANOVA. The comparison of the four ethnic groups showed high variability in terms of area, height and width of the right frontal air sinuses (p=0.000). Significant variations were also recorded for these parameters on the left side (p=0.000). Conclusion: The height width and area show pattern of anatomical variability in the right and left frontal air sinuses among the ethnic groups of males living in Karachi.

Author Biographies

Quratulain Javaid, Bahria University Medical and Dental College.

MBBS, PGD-Bioethics

Senior Lecturer Anatomy

Ambreen Usmani, Bahria University Medical and Dental College.

MBBS, M.Phil (Anatomy), MCPS-HPE,

PGD-Bioethics, PhD-Anatomy

Professor and HOD Anatomy







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