Frequency of male factor and abnormalities of semen analysis in infertile couple.


  • Asiya Fayyaz Nishtar Medical University.
  • Shagufta Tabassum Nishtar Medical University.
  • Saima Yasmin Qadir Nishtar Medical University.



Asthenospermia, Azoospermia, Infertility, Oligospermia, Semen Analysis, Teratospermia


Infertility is global health issue. Male factor contribute to infertility in more than half of sub fertile couples. Their diagnosis is easy by simple test of husband semen analysis. This study has been designed to know the contribution of male factor and frequency of abnormalities of semen in infertile couple. Objectives: To determine the frequency of male factor in infertile couple and to evaluate the different abnormalities in semen. Study Design: Descriptive study. Setting: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Nishtar Hospital Multan. Period: From January 2019 to June 2019. Material & Methods: Study started after taking approval from hospital ethical committee. Study included 200 subfertile couples after informed consent attending the outpatient department. The partner of female attending the fertility clinic between ages 20-40 were selected. History taken from female partner regarding age, duration of subfertility, type of subfertility any drug intake and medical illness of male. Result: Among 200 couples 64(32%) had abnormal semen parameters.24 had oligospermia. Eight had azoospermia and 60 had asthenospermia. 20 patients had teratospermia. Conclusion: Male factor is significant contributor of infertility therefore awareness is needed in order to engage more males partner in evaluation and management of infertility.

Author Biographies

Asiya Fayyaz, Nishtar Medical University.


Assistant Professor (Obs & Gyne)

Shagufta Tabassum, Nishtar Medical University.


Assistant Professor (Obs & Gyne)

Saima Yasmin Qadir, Nishtar Medical University.


Senior Registrar (Obs & Gyne)






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