Different tumour grading in smokeless tobacco (Naswar) user and non-user in squamous cell carcinoma.


  • Amna Sarfaraz Rehman College of Dentistry, Peshawar.
  • Sahd Rashid Rehman College of Dentistry, Peshawar.
  • Muhammad Irshad
  • Maria Tasneem Khattak Rehman College of Dentistry
  • Hina Shabir Rehman College of Dentistry, Peshawar.




Angiogenesis, Grading, Naswar, Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Smokeless Tobacco, Squamous Cell Carcinoma


Objectives: To determine the relationship of Naswar with different tumour grading in squamous cell carcinoma. Study Design: Comparative cross-sectional study using non-probability, consecutive sampling. Setting: Department of Oral Pathology, Rehman College of Dentistry, Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Period: January 2017 till June 2017. Material & Methods: 60 cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma were included. Half the cases (30) had a history of Naswar use while the other half (30) had no history of Naswar use. Data was analysed using SPSS v 22. Results: This study included 60% male and 40% female cases, ranging from 40 years to 80 years (mean = 57.6 + 11 years). Majority of patients 80% had well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma, while the rest (20%) had poorly differentiated. Distribution of male and female across both groups was equal (p 0.598). Both the groups were comparable in terms of grade of tumour (p 0.519). Conclusion: Naswar use was not associated with any particular histological grade of oral squamous cell carcinoma in our study. However, further research is needed to explore this association.

Author Biographies

Amna Sarfaraz, Rehman College of Dentistry, Peshawar.

BDS, MPhil (Oral Pathology)

Senior Registrar

Department of Oral Pathology


Sahd Rashid, Rehman College of Dentistry, Peshawar.

BDS, MDS (Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery)

Senior Registrar

Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery


Muhammad Irshad

BDS, MSC, PhD (Oral Pathology)

Associate Professor

Department of Oral Pathology

Rehman College of Dentistry, Peshawar.

Maria Tasneem Khattak, Rehman College of Dentistry

Maria Tasneem Khattak, MBBS, FCPS (Histopathology)

Assistant Professor ( Pathology)


Hina Shabir, Rehman College of Dentistry, Peshawar.

BDS, MPhil (Oral Pathology)

Senior Registrar

Department of Oral Pathology







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