Congenita ptosis; Frequency of congenital ptosis.


  • Sikander Hayat Khan Niazi Islamic International Medical College Rawalpindi.



Congenital Ptosis, Congenital Malformations, Frequency


Objectives: To compare the frequency of congenital ptosis of Pakistani children with the children of the world. Study Design: Comparative study. Setting: Al Shifa Tertiary Eye Hospital Rawalpindi. Period: August 2013 to September 2016. Material & Methods: The record of admitted patients of all malformations of eyes was collected from pediatric eye department from age zero to 15 years. The data of each eye malformation was documented separately as per age and gender. The total numbers of eye malformations were arranged according to prevalence, age and gender. The data was analyzed separately for frequency, age and gender. All data was analyzed and arranged according to percentage of frequency, gender and age. The age data was analyzed making different age groups. Seven groups of age were made with 2 years difference between each group starting from age 0 to 15 years. The number of male and females were calculated in each age group. Total numbers of each malformation was calculated separately and percentage of each malformation calculated as per simple mathematical way to total malformations. Results: The data of five hundreds and fourteen congenital malformations of eyes was collected. The numbers of male patients were 289 and female patients were 225. As per percentage the males were 56.2% and females patients were 43.8 %. The patient age range was from age zero to fifteen years. The majority of the patients were between ages zero to two years. The total numbers of patients in this age group were 222. Out of 222 patients the males were 120 and females were 102. The total percentage of this age group was 43.2 % among all age groups. The most common frequency of eye malformation was cataract i.e. 116 (22.6 %) patients followed by lacrimal apparatus anomalies i.e. 103(20 %) and ptosis was 45 (8.8 %). Conclusion: The frequency of congenital ptosis is the third most common eye malformation among total eye malformations in this study.

Author Biography

Sikander Hayat Khan Niazi, Islamic International Medical College Rawalpindi.

MBBS (Pb), M.Phil (Anatomy), FCPS (G. Surgery)

Associate Professor Anatomy






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