Human amniotic membrane: A biological cost effective dressing in chronic wounds.


  • Ibrahim Yamin RMDC Lahore.
  • Ayesha - Mayo Hospital Lahore.
  • Ramla - GMC Gujranwala.
  • Muhammad Ajmal THQ Hospital Gojra.



HAM (Human Amniotic Membrane), AFSC, AF


Objectives: The use of human amniotic membrane is essential new concept in wound healing which functions as a biodegradable scaffold on wound surface, as it is a rich hub of stem cells which play an important role in wound healing. Study Design: Randomized Control Trial. Setting: Department of Surgery THQ Hospital Gojra. Period: 1st January 2019 to 30 September 2019. Material & Methods: Experimental study using clinical trial. A case series of 50 patient cases were picked from surgical OPD. Who fall in criteria of chronic non-healing wound with at least three months duration comprising of diabetic, venous ulcers and traumatic non healing wound and neuropathic ulcers. All located on lower limbs. Results: All 50 patient were treated with standard protocol by applying freshly prepared amniotic membrane out of which 4 chronic wounds more than 4 year duration were not healed and 2 cases escaped from the study. HAM dressing was changed after every 7 days and its effect were studied by seeing measuring the reduction in wound size and improvement in pain, swelling and mental stress. Success rate was found about 90% with complete healing. Conclusion: There is a dire need in developing countries to promote the use of HAM, in chronic non healing wounds which is a biological membrane, readily available (free if fresh) with simple sterilization techniques, easy storage and easy application with ultimate goal in achieving speedy cost effective wound healing.

Author Biographies

Ibrahim Yamin, RMDC Lahore.

MBBS Student

Ayesha -, Mayo Hospital Lahore.


Medical Officer Peads Surgery


Ramla -, GMC Gujranwala.


Demonstrater Anatomy

Muhammad Ajmal, THQ Hospital Gojra.

FCPS (Surgery)

Senior Consultant Surgeon Surgery







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