Comparison of Bracka I versus Blair-Byar’s technique in chordee correction.


  • Masood Mahmood Children Hospital, Faisalabad.
  • Imran Qadir Children Hospital, Faisalabad.
  • Sadaqat Ali Children Hospital, Faisalabad.
  • Muhammad Sarfraz Khan Children Hospital, Faisalabad.



Blair-Byar’s Technique, Bracka1 Technique, Chordee Correction, Orthoplasty, 1st Stages of Urethroplasty


To compare the outcome of the Bracka I Graft Technique versus Blair-Byar’s Flap technique in orthoplasty for urethral plate in terms of procedure time, hospital stay and urine stream after removal of Foley catheter. Objectives: There are multiple types of procedures to correct the chordee in hypospadias with chordee cases. We planned to perform study to discuss the differences between Bracka I where Graft is used for the plate of urethra and Blair-Byar’s flap technique in term of procedure time hospital stay and urine stream after removal of Foley catheter. Study Design: Randomized Control Trial study. Setting: Pediatric Urology Department, Children Hospital Faisalabad (CHF). Period: 1 year and 9 months, from April 2016 to December 2018. Material & Methods: Total 80 patients were taken with Non probability consecutive sampling technique was adopted with inclusion criteria with more than 2 years of age and hypospadias with chordee while, exclusion criteria of patients were previous surgery of chordee correction and any other associated anomalies. Results: In the patients with Bracka I procedure, n=37 patients (92.5%)  have uneventful uptake of graft, where two (5%) patients have failure of uptake of graft while one (2.5%) of them had wound infection and adequate urinary stream after removal of Foley was found in all 40 patients. In Blair-Byar’s technique procedure had uneventful uptake of graft in n= 36 patients (90%) where two (5%) patients have failure of uptake of graft while two (5%) of them have wound infection. Cosmetically acceptance was in 39 patients (97.5%) by the parents and feasibility to do the second stage.  While among Blair-Byar’s technique cosmetically acceptance was in 35 patients (87.5%) by the parents and feasibility to do the second stage. Conclusion: Bracka I (graft) Orthoplasty and Blair-Byar’s (flap) Orthoplasty has equivocal results in terms of tissue uptake and uneventful recovery, urinary stream post operatively, post-operative meatal diameter while cosmetically Bracka 1 is superior to Blair-Byar’s  technique while feasibility of the availability of local tissue to make tube for urethroplasty in stage II.

Author Biographies

Masood Mahmood, Children Hospital, Faisalabad.


Medical Officer Paediatric Urology

Imran Qadir, Children Hospital, Faisalabad.


Senior Registrar & Head Paediatric Urology

Sadaqat Ali, Children Hospital, Faisalabad.


Senior Registrar Paediatric Surgery

Muhammad Sarfraz Khan, Children Hospital, Faisalabad.


Senior Registrar Paediatric Urology






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