Outcome of non-invasive ventilation (NIV) among patients with type II respiratory failure due to acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).


  • Muhammad Atiq ul Mannan Nishtar Medical University Multan.
  • Muhammad Imran Shahzad Chaudhary Pervaiz Elahi Institute of Cardiology Multan.
  • Muhammad Waqas Afzal Nishtar Medical University Multan.
  • Humayoun Ghulam Murtaza Nishtar Medical University Multan.
  • Muhammad Waseem Sahiwal Medical College, Sahiwal.
  • Tahir Khan Fatima Jinnah Chest Hospital Quetta.




Acute Exacerbation, COPD, Non-invasive Ventilation


Objectives: To determine the “frequency of ‘success’ of non-invasive ventilation (NIV) among patients with type II respiratory failure due to acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)”. Study Design: Cross sectional Study. Setting: Department of Pulmonology Nishtar Hospital Multan. Period: March 2016 August 2016. Material & Methods: A total of 101 study cases meeting inclusion and exclusion criteria of this study were registered using non probability consecutive sampling technique. Arterial samples for arterial blood gases (ABG) were sent. Base line pH and pcO2 were measured. All the patients were offered with NIV for 12 hours. After 12 hours, ABG was again measured to see any improvement in pH and pCO2. Success as labeled as ‘yes’ if pH > 7.35 and pCO2 is < 60 mm of Hg. The patients were discharged and follow up time was adjusted. Results: Out of these 101 study cases, 53 (52.5 %) were male and 48 (47.5 %) were female patients having mean age 61.50 ± 10.77 years. Mean duration of disease was 8.54 ± 5.26 years. Mean BMI levels of our study cases was 23.31 ± 2.18 Kg/m2. Mean baseline pH value was 7.32 ± 0.016. Mean baseline pCO2 value was calculated to be 67.56 ± 6.05 mmHg. Mean pH value at 12 hours after NIV was 7.37 ± 0.02. Mean pCO2 value at 12 hours after NIV was calculated to be 51.32 ± 6.30 mm Hg. Success was achieved in 98 (97%) of our study cases. Success was stratified with regards to gender, age, BMI and duration of disease and p values calculated were found to be p=1.00, p= 0.591, p=0.026 and p=0.606 respectively. Conclusion: Our study results indicate that Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) is effective, reliable, safe and very cost effective method among the patients with respiratory failure due to acute exacerbation of COPD.

Author Biographies

Muhammad Atiq ul Mannan, Nishtar Medical University Multan.

MBBS, MD, DTCD, FCPS (Pulmonology)

Senior Registrar Pulmonology


Muhammad Imran Shahzad, Chaudhary Pervaiz Elahi Institute of Cardiology Multan.

MBBS, FCPS (Pulmonology)

Assistant Professor Pulmonology


Muhammad Waqas Afzal, Nishtar Medical University Multan.

MBBS, DTCD, FCPS (Pulmonology)

Senior Registrar Pulmonology


Humayoun Ghulam Murtaza, Nishtar Medical University Multan.

MBBS, DTCD, FCPS (Pulmonology)

Assistant Professor Pulmonology


Muhammad Waseem, Sahiwal Medical College, Sahiwal.

MBBS, FCPS (Pulmonology)

Assistant Professor


Tahir Khan, Fatima Jinnah Chest Hospital Quetta.

MBBS, FCPS (Pulmonology)

Consultant Pulmonologist







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