Intravenous iron sucrose in malnourished children with iron deficiency anemia.


  • Fahad Nazir Children’s Hospital & ICH, Multan.
  • Asim Khurshid The Children’s Hospital & ICH, Multan.
  • Muhammad Abu Talib Children’s Hospital & ICH, Multan.



Baseline, Hemoglobin, Intravenous Iron Sucrose, Malnourished


Objectives: To compare the mean hemoglobin level before and six weeks after giving intravenous iron sucrose therapy in malnourished children having iron deficiency anemia. Study Design: Quasi Experimental Study. Setting: Nutritional Stabilization Centre, Children Hospital and Institute of Child Health, Multan. Period: From July 2018 to December 2018. Material & Methods: A total of 80 patients were enrolled in the study. Hemoglobin level at baseline was recorded. IV iron sucrose therapy was divided into 3 equal doses and administered on 3 consecutive days. After 6 weeks of administration of iron sucrose, hemoglobin level was noted. Independent sample T-test was applied to compare Hb level before and after therapy with p-value≤0.05 as significant. Results: Overall, mean age was 13.39±6.11months. There were 54 (67.5%) males and 28 (32.5%) females. The mean weight of patients was 5.06±1.45kg and mean height was 64.59±8.72cm. The weight for height ratio was <-3SD in all patients (100%). The mean hemoglobin level of patients at baseline was 7.37±0.44g/dl, which was improved to 9.47±0.47g/dl after 6 weeks treatment. This was significant improvement (p<0.05). Conclusion: Thus intravenous iron sucrose therapy can significantly improve the condition of child and rectify the IDA.

Author Biographies

Fahad Nazir, Children’s Hospital & ICH, Multan.


Medical Officer

Asim Khurshid, The Children’s Hospital & ICH, Multan.

MBBS, FCPS (Paediatrics Medicine)

Associate Professor

Muhammad Abu Talib, Children’s Hospital & ICH, Multan.

MBBS, FCPS (Paediatrics Medicine)

Senior Registrar






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