Postoperative recovery; Stapled Hemorrhoidopexy versus Conventional haemorrhoidectomy.


  • Ashar Ahmad Khan Nishtar Medical University/Hospital, Multan.
  • Tania Mahar Nishtar Medical University/Hospital, Multan.
  • Muhammad Kashif Adnan Shahbaz Sharif Hospital, Multan.
  • Abdul Rasheed Surahio LUMHS, Jamshoro.
  • Abdul Manan Nishtar Medical University/Hospital, Multan.
  • Irfan Ahmad Nishtar Medical University/Hospital, Multan.



Conventional Haemorrhoidectomy, Hospital Stay, Postoperative Pain, Stapled Hemorrhoidopexy


Conventional haemorrhoidectomy, a usual procedure for hemorrhoids in our set up have many short and long term complications. Some patients complained pain many weeks after surgery and are unable to do their routine work. Anal stenosis and recurrence are long term issues. There is need for some other procedure which can decrease postoperative pain and hospital stay. Objectives: To compare the postoperative recovery between stapled hemorrhoidopexy and conventional hemorrhoidectomy. Study Design: Randomized Clinical trial. Setting: Surgery Department of Nishtar Medical University Multan. Period: from 01-01-2018 to 31-12-2018. Material & Methods: Randomly 02 equal groups of the patients, A and B were made. Stapled hemorrhoidopexy (SH) and conventional haemorrhoidectomy was done in group A and B respectively. SPSS version 20 used for data analysis. Mean and standard deviation were used for quantitative variables including postoperative pain, age and hospital stay. Independent Student t test used for comparison of hospital stay and postoperative pain. Effect modifier including gender, age, duration and grade of hemorrhoids were controlled by stratification and Chi square test was applied. P value less than 0.05 was taken as significant. Results: Out of 60 patients, 32 were males and 28 females. In Group A (Stapled Hemorrhoidopexy), mean age was 37.37 + 6.36 years and 39.17 + 5.53 years in Group-B. Postoperative pain in Group A was 3.60 + 1.27 and 6.03 + 1.73 in Group B. Postoperative pain was significantly high in Group B (CH) and P value =0.000. Mean hospital stay was 0.90 + 0.48 days in Group A and 1.87 + 0.57 days in Group B with P value= 0.000. Conclusion: Stapled hemorrhoidopexy is associated with shorter hospital stay and decrease postoperative pain irrespective of age, sex and grade of the hemorrhoids.

Author Biographies

Ashar Ahmad Khan, Nishtar Medical University/Hospital, Multan.


Assistant Professor

Department of Surgery

Tania Mahar, Nishtar Medical University/Hospital, Multan.


Senior Registrar


Muhammad Kashif Adnan, Shahbaz Sharif Hospital, Multan.


Consultant Surgeon


Abdul Rasheed Surahio, LUMHS, Jamshoro.


Assistant Professor

Department of Surgery


Abdul Manan, Nishtar Medical University/Hospital, Multan.


Assistant Professor

Department of Surgery


Irfan Ahmad, Nishtar Medical University/Hospital, Multan.


Assistant Professor

Department of Surgery







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