Sub-clinical atherosclerosis in hypertension.


  • Farhat Bashir United Medical and Dental College, Karachi.
  • Nadia Shams Rawal Institute of health sciences, Islamabad.
  • Ayesha Nageen United Medical and Dental College, Karachi. 



CIMT, Cardio-Metabolic, Hypertension


Objectives: In the presence of the rising incidence of cardiovascular disease in the developing world, it is imperative to focus on prevention. Many cardio-metabolic risk factors are responsible for development of atherosclerosis in hypertensive patients. It is important to know which factors contribute the most to this condition. Study Design: Cross Sectional study. Setting: Departments of Medicine and Radiology at Creek General Hospital, United Medical and Dental College, Karachi. Period: June 2015 to June 2016. Material & Methods: Planned and the subjects were selected by consecutive sampling. Physical examination data and laboratory reports were obtained. All the subjects underwent Carotid Doppler studies. The data as analyzed on SPSS ver.20.0. Relationship of the variables to CIMT was ascertained by Pearson’s Correlation in both hypertensive and non-hypertensive subjects. P-value of <0.05 was considered significant. Results: All the variables like age, BMI, glycemic indices and the different fractions of the lipid profile were significantly higher in hypertensive patients. CIMT was significantly higher in hypertensive patients. The studied cardiometabolic variables were related to CIMT in both groups of patients but these variables were related more strongly in subjects without hypertension confirming the assumption that hypertension plays a major role in atherosclerosis. Conclusion: Hypertension is one of the most potent modifiable risk factors contributing to atherosclerosis.

Author Biographies

Farhat Bashir, United Medical and Dental College, Karachi.


Professor Medicine

Nadia Shams, Rawal Institute of health sciences, Islamabad.


Associate Professor Medicine

Ayesha Nageen, United Medical and Dental College, Karachi. 


Assistant Professor Medicine






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