Pattern of coronary artery disease in young males with acute coronary syndrome.


  • Shazia Qazi Isra University Hospital, Hyderabad.
  • Sajjad Kazi Isra University Hospital Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan.
  • Muhammad Amir Isra University Hospital Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan.
  • Nand Lal Rathi National Institute of Cardiovascular Disease Tando Muhammad Khan.



Coronary Artery Disease Pattern, Pakistan, Young Males


Objective: The aim behind this study was to scientifically assess the pattern of coronary artery disease in young males with acute coronary syndrome. Study Design: Prospective Observational study. Setting: Department of Cardiology, Isra University Hospital, Hyderabad. Period: March 2014 to February, 2019, Material & Methods: Data of 260 patients were enrolled who were males and having age less than 50 years and more than 25 years and presented with acute coronary syndrome. All the patients underwent coronary angiography for the assessment of pattern of coronary artery disease. Data were entered and analyzed by using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 21.0. Results: Out of total 260 patients, the mean age and SD of admitted patients was 42.21 ± 4.69 years and the age ranging between 33 to 50 years. The most common risk factors among young males who were admitted with ACS were cigarette smoking (39.61%, N = 103) and Hypertension (19.61%, N = 51) while least common was alcohol consumption (6.53%, N = 17). The most common pattern of CAD we have observed in our study was presence of three vessels coronary artery disease (25%, N = 65) and Branched Vessel Disease (23.07%, N = 60) while two Vessels CAD was least common (17.30%, N = 45). Conclusion: Our study shows that overall burden of coronary artery disease in males belongs to above 40 years of age residing at urban areas and belongs to middle socioeconomic background. The most common risk factor was cigarette smoking and the most common pattern of coronary artery disease was 3 vessel coronary artery disease and Branched Vessel Disease, respectively.

Author Biographies

Shazia Qazi, Isra University Hospital, Hyderabad.

MBBS, FCPS (Cardiology)

Assistant Professor Cardiology

Sajjad Kazi, Isra University Hospital Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan.

MBBS, M.Phil (Community Medicine)

Assistant Professor Community Medicine

Muhammad Amir, Isra University Hospital Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan.

MD (Peadiatric)

Assistant Professor Pediatrics

Nand Lal Rathi, National Institute of Cardiovascular Disease Tando Muhammad Khan.

MD (Cardiology)

Associate Professor Cardiology






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