Association of hypovitaminosis D with poor glycemic control and obesity in type II diabetes mellitus.


  • Tahir Ullah Khan Shalamar Hospital Lahore.
  • Rozina Arshad Shalamar Hospital Lahore.
  • Zohaib Ahmad Khan Shaikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Alnahyan Medical and Dental College (SKZMDC) Lahore.



BMI, Glycemic Control, HBA1C, Hypovitaminosis D, Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus


Objectives: To determine the association of low serum vitamin D levels with poor glycemic control and obesity in type 2 diabetic patients. Study Design: Descriptive Cross Sectional study. Setting: Sakina Institute of Diabetes and Endocrine Research Centre (SIDER), Shalamar Hospital Lahore. Period: 1st June to 31th august 2017. Material & Methods: After applying strict exclusion criteria, about 450 patients with known type II diabetes were enrolled in the present study and their HBA1C and fasting vitamin D levels were measured. Patients were divided into two groups, group 1 with poor glycemic control (HBA1C>8%) and group 2 with good glycemic control (HBA1C <8%). Results: After performing extensive matching in both groups, it was found that vitamin D levels in group 1 with poor glycemic control were significantly low as compared to group 2 with good glycemic control (p value <0.001). Furthermore, approximately 87% of patients with BMI >23 were having suboptimal Vitamin D levels (p value <0.005). Conclusions: Low serum vitamin D is associated with poor glycemic control in type 2 diabetics and vitamin d supplementation could possibly play a role in improving glycemic control in these patients. Furthermore, hypovitaminosis D is also associated with obesity.

Author Biographies

Tahir Ullah Khan, Shalamar Hospital Lahore.


Senior Registrar Medicine

Rozina Arshad, Shalamar Hospital Lahore.


Assistant Professor Medicine

Zohaib Ahmad Khan, Shaikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Alnahyan Medical and Dental College (SKZMDC) Lahore.

Fourth Year Medical Student






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