Prevalence of Vitamin B12 deficiency in Type II diabetic patients using metformin.


  • Tahir Ullah Khan University of Lahore Teaching Hospital, Lahore.
  • Rozina Arshad Shalamar Hospital, Lahore.
  • Saleem Uz Zaman Adhami Shalamar Hospital, Lahore.



Metformin, Type II Diabetes Mellitus, Vitamin B12 Deficiency


Objectives: To determine the prevalence of Vitamin B12 deficiency in type II diabetic patients using metformin. Study Design: Cross Sectional study. Setting: Endocrinology Unit Shalamar Hospital Lahore. Period: July to September 2017. Material & Methods: All of our patients were having previously diagnosed type II diabetes and using metformin for more than six months. Using strict exclusion criteria, vitamin B12 levels of patients were measured and analyzed. Results: It was evident from the present study that 27.33% of type II diabetic patients using metformin were having vitamin B12 levels less than 150pg/ml. Furthermore, our study showed that smokers are more liable to develop vitamin B12 deficiency than the nonsmokers. Also, use of multivitamins (containing vitamin B12) had a protective role against vitamin B12 deficiency. Conclusions: Long term use of metformin in type II diabetic patients is strongly associated with Vitamin B12 deficiency, therefore endocrinologists and physicians should take into consideration this significant adverse effect of metformin and screen for vitamin B12 deficiency in diabetic population before starting metformin therapy.

Author Biographies

Tahir Ullah Khan, University of Lahore Teaching Hospital, Lahore.

FCPS (Medicine)

Assistant Professor Medicine

Rozina Arshad, Shalamar Hospital, Lahore.

FCPS (Medicine)

Assistant Professor Medicine

Saleem Uz Zaman Adhami, Shalamar Hospital, Lahore.


Associate Professor Pulmonology,






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