Conservative management, a preferred first line method for treatment of epistaxis.


  • Muhammad Awais Javed Allied Hospital, Faisalabad Medical University, Faisalabad.



Epistaxis, Conservative, Nasal Packing


Epistaxis is defined as hemorrhage from nose where source of bleeding is inside the nose. There are many factors which can precipitate epistaxis. A number of treatment modalities are used for its treatment, conservative measures and nasal packing being the commonest method of treatment. Conservative method is an effective method of treatment and avoids potential complications of nasal packing. Objectives: To assess efficacy of conservative mode of treatment for epistaxis. Study Design: Prospective study. Settings: Department of Otorhinolaryngology, E.N.T. Unit-I, Allied Hospital/ Faisalabad Medical University, Faisalabad. Period: Three months i.e. from 16-10-2018 to 15-01-2019. Sample Size: 60. Material and Method: Procedure: 60 patients were enrolled according to inclusive and exclusive criteria. Conservative measures were applied to patients including cold water gargles, nasal pinching and Trotter’s method. Patients were observed for control of epistaxis and number of patients noted in whom conservative measures were not successful and nasal packing was done. No patient among the sample needed the surgical intervention due to failed conservative measures or nasal packing. Frequency and percentage calculated for data and chi-square test applied and level of <0.05 taken significant. Results: 60 patients enrolled with age range from 5-75 years and mean age as 39.53 years. Out of 60 patients, 38 were male and 22 were females. Out of 60 patients, 42 patients (70%) were treated successfully using conservative measures and 18 patients (30%) were treated with nasal packing. Conclusion: Based upon results of this study, it is concluded that conservative method of treatment of epistaxis is an effective and safe method and avoids potential complications which can occur due to nasal packing.

Author Biography

Muhammad Awais Javed, Allied Hospital, Faisalabad Medical University, Faisalabad.


House Officer

Department of ENT







Origianl Article