GUM chewing decreases the duration of postoperative ileus after ileostomy reversal: A single center experience.


  • Muhammad Kamran DHQ Hospital, Chiniot.
  • Shahbaz Ahmad PMC, Faisalabad.
  • Muhammad Faheem Anwer CMH Lahore Medical College, Lahore.
  • Muhammad Hasan Anwaar Heartlands Hospitals University Hospitals Birmingham Nhs Trust.
  • Muhammad Asif DHQ, MBDIN.
  • Rabail Rana Allied Hospital, Faisalabad.



Elective Surgery for Ileostomy Closure, Hospital Length, Ileal Perforation, Post-operative Gum Chewing, Passage of First Flatus


Post-operative ileus is a common compliant of patients at surgical floor. Studies have reported that gums chewing after abdominal surgeries decrease postoperative ileus (POI); but very few studies are available on role of chewing gum in ileostomy reversal cases. We concluded that post-operative gum chewing with standard post-operative care in patients undergoing elective surgery for ileostomy closure done for typhoid ileal perforation in terms of mean length of hospital stay and mean time of passage of first flatus is significantly better than those without gum chewing. Objectives: To compare post-operative gum chewing with standard care in cases having elective ileostomy closure in terms of mean length of hospital stay and mean time of passage of first flatus. Study Design: Randomized Control Trial. Setting: Department of Surgery, Allied Hospital Faisalabad. Period: 1st January 2017 to 31st December 2017. Material & Methods: Patients of 20 to 60 years undergoing elective surgery for typhoid ileal perforation were included in the study after informed consent. Two groups with A: allocated to chewing gum three times a day up to discharge; Control group: allocated to standard post-operative care without chew gum. Length of hospital stay and time of passage of first flatus was noted. Results: In this study, mean length of hospital stay in Chewing gum group was 7.73+0.74 days and 10.27+0.87 days in Control group, p value was 0.0001, mean time of passage of first flatus in Chewing gum group was 49.97+1.69 hrs and 89.17+2.07 hrs in Control group, p value was 0.0001. Conclusion: We concluded that post-operative gum chewing with standard post-operative care in patients undergoing elective surgery for ileostomy closure done for typhoid ileal perforation in terms of mean length of hospital stay and mean time of passage of first flatus is significantly better than those without gum chewing.

Author Biographies

Muhammad Kamran, DHQ Hospital, Chiniot.

MBBS, FCPS (Surgery)

Medical Officer

Shahbaz Ahmad, PMC, Faisalabad.


Assistant Professor Surgery

Muhammad Faheem Anwer, CMH Lahore Medical College, Lahore.


Associate Professor Surgery


Muhammad Hasan Anwaar, Heartlands Hospitals University Hospitals Birmingham Nhs Trust.

BSc, MBBS, FCPS (Surgery)

Registrar International Training Fellow Colorectal Surgery

Muhammad Asif, DHQ, MBDIN.

MBBS, FCPS (Surgery)

Medical Officer

Rabail Rana, Allied Hospital, Faisalabad.

MBBS, FCPS (Surgery)

WMO Surgery






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