Impact of BMI on serum uric acid levels in females in local population.


  • Sardar Muhammad Al-Fareed Zafar Ameer ud Din Medical College/PGMI 
  • Rahat Naseem King Edward Medical University Lahore. 
  • Samia Jawed Continental Medical College.
  • Saima Mukhtar Rahbar Medical and Dental College Lahore.
  • Farhat Ijaz CMH LMC & IOD (NUMS) Lahore.
  • Benash Altaf Aziz Fatimah Medical & Dental College Faisalabad.



Body Mass Index, Hyperuricemia, Serum Uric Acid


Body mass index is the fat content of body whereas hyperuricemia is the condition when serum uric acid level crosses the optimum normal level. Increase in BMI may influence serum uric acid. Objective: To find out the relationship of BMI with serum uric acid level in local population. Study Design: Cross sectional study. Setting: Lady Aitchison hospital Lahore. Period: March 2017- August 2017. Material and Methods: Written informed consent was taken prior to data collection. Detailed history was asked and weight in kilograms and height in meters was noted. Body mass index was calculated. Uric acid was measured by uricase method after taking 1 ml venous blood under aseptic measures. Results: Body mass index and serum uric acid of the subjects were compared with the standard values that were 24.99kg/m2 and 5.7mg/dl and statistical analysis showed a significant difference (p-0.023 and p-0.000) respectively. Simple linear regression revealed 0.391 units change in serum uric acid level with one unit change in BMI. Conclusion: Serum uric acid increased with increase in BMI.

Author Biographies

Sardar Muhammad Al-Fareed Zafar, Ameer ud Din Medical College/PGMI 

FCPS, MCE, FRCOG, Fellowship in RE



Rahat Naseem, King Edward Medical University Lahore. 

MBBS, M.Phil Physiology 

Demonstrator Physiology 

Samia Jawed, Continental Medical College.

M.Phil Physiology 
Professor Physiology 

Saima Mukhtar, Rahbar Medical and Dental College Lahore.

M.Phil Physiology 

Associate Professor

Department of Physiology


Farhat Ijaz, CMH LMC & IOD (NUMS) Lahore., MBBS, M.Phil

Assistant Professor Physiology

Benash Altaf, Aziz Fatimah Medical & Dental College Faisalabad.

. M.Phil Physiology

Department of Physiology






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