Enhancement of students learning outcome by supplementing Self-directed learning with video clipping.


  • Noman Sadiq Mekran Medical College, Turbat.
  • Shazia Ali Mekran Medical College, Turbat.




Instructional Strategy, Quiz Competition, Self-directed Learning, Video Clipping


Objectives: Self-directed learning is an active learning strategy in which students are accountable for their own learning by taking initiative. It has been supplemented with other instructional strategies like interactive lecturing, in order to enhance student’s learning. The current study was carried out to determine the effect of supplementing self-directed learning with video clipping on students learning outcome. Study Design: Randomized Control study. Setting: Islamic International Medical College. Period: For one day at 16th September 2016. Material & Methods: This study was conducted among seventy six students of Islamic International Medical College. Students participated in a quiz competition whose syllabus of content and suggested reading materials were communicated to the students three week prior to the competition date. The registered students were than randomly divided into two Groups each comprising of 38 students. Self-directed learning of one group was supplemented with a video while the other group did not watch the video. Learning outcome of both groups was assessed by an MCQ exam. Results: The overall score of Self-directed learning group supplemented with a video was 65.17(7.68) while the score of self-directed learning group was 59.54 (8.54). A significant difference were found among the score of both groups (p = .042). Conclusion: Self-directed learning when supplemented with the instructional strategy of video clipping leads to the improvement in the learning outcome of the students.

Author Biographies

Noman Sadiq, Mekran Medical College, Turbat.

MBBS, M.Phil

Assistant Professor Physiology

Shazia Ali, Mekran Medical College, Turbat.

MBBS, M.Phil

Assistant Professor Physiology






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