Chronic vaginal discharge; presentation and management among women of underdeveloped areas.


  • Sheeba Rehman Rai Medical College Sargoodha.
  • Shahnilah Zafar Fatima Memorial Hospital Shadman Lahore.
  • Sara Gulbaz Indus Hospital Lahore.



Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Vaginal Discharge, Women of Underdeveloped Areas


Objectives: To determine various presentations of patients with chronic vaginal discharge belonging to underdeveloped areas and its response to management. Study Design: Cross sectional study. Setting: Rai Medical College, Doctors Trust Teaching Hospital Sargoodha. Period: 07 months from July to December 2018. Material & Methods: This study was conducted in Obstetric and Gynaecology unit of study institution. Total 150 cases were included in this study belonging to underdeveloped areas around Sargodha city presenting with vaginal discharge for more than 6 months duration. These cases were reported in outpatient door of gynae unit. Ages of these cases were 18-45 years. Patients with pregnancy, abnormal vagina or cervix and having growth of cervix were not included in this study. Permission was obtained from all cases for including them in this study. All data collected was analyzed in Microsoft office and version 2018 and expressed via tables and graphs. Results: Total 160 cases were included in this study presenting with the history of vaginal discharge with more than 6 months history. Their age range was 18-45 years with mean age of 35 years. Presenting complaints in study group were vaginal discharge in all (100%) cases, lower back pain in 53(33%), lower abdominal pain in 41(25.6%), itching in 38(23.8%), dysuria reported in 25(15.6%), dysparunia in 21(13%) cases and post coital bleeding reported in 18(11.3%) cases. Mean parity of cases in study group was 3±1. Vaginal infection was resolved in 70% cases after treatment with first line antibiotics and recovery rate increased up to 90% after treatment with 2nd line antibiotics. Various side effects of drugs were reported in study group. Most common side effects were anorexia in 9.4% cases, nausea in 7% and abdominal discomfort was reported in 5.6% cases. Conclusion: There is very high rate of sexual transmitted diseases among women living in peripheral under developed areas due to lack of proper awareness and high illiteracy rate among women. WHO recommended Symptomatic management is very effective in these cases.

Author Biographies

Sheeba Rehman, Rai Medical College Sargoodha.

MBBS, FCPS (Gynae & Obs)

Assistant Professor Gynaecology


Shahnilah Zafar, Fatima Memorial Hospital Shadman Lahore.

MBBS, FCPS (Gynae & Obs)

Senior Registrar


Sara Gulbaz, Indus Hospital Lahore.

MBBS, FCPS (Gynae & Obs)

Consultant Gynaecologist







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