Diagnostic accuracy of MRI in characterizing the ovarian masses indeterminate on color Doppler ultrasound.


  • Syed Anjum Mehdi Allied Hospital, Punjab Medical College, Faisalabad.
  • Hassan Bukhari Allied Hospital, Faisalabad.
  • Shama Aslam Madina Teaching Hospital, Faisalabad.
  • M. Sohail Anjum Noor Independent Medical College, Faisalabad.




Adnexal/ Ovarian Masses,, Doppler Ultrasound,, Magnetic Resonance Imaging


Objectives: Aim of my study is to determine the diagnostic accuracy of MRI in characterization of indeterminate ovarian masses on Doppler ultrasound (US) of pelvis while keeping histopathology as gold standard. Study Design: Cross sectional (validation) study. Setting: Radiology Department of Allied Hospital Faisalabad. Period: From January 2015 to December 2016. Material and Methods: Approval was taken from institutional ethical committee, a total of 91 patients were enrolled in this study. All the patients found to have indeterminate ovarian mass on sonography and Doppler US were examined with MR imaging performed on a 1.5-T Philips MR imaging unit in the radiology department Allied Hospital Faisalabad. The interval between Doppler US and MRI pelvis was about 7 to 10 days. Histopathology was taken as gold standard for final diagnosis and in determining the diagnostic accuracy of MRI. Results: All women having a mean age of 42 years (range, 15–85 years) who found to have indeterminate ovarian masses on Doppler US were included in the study. There were 71.4% benign and 28.6% malignant cases found on MRI while on histopathology 77% masses were benign and 23% malignant. The sensitivity and specificity of MRI in determining adnexal masses in our study is 100% & 93.86% Conclusion: MRI is ideal imaging modality for characterization of indeterminate ovarian masses. Magnetic resonance imaging is found to be quiet helpful in characterization of ovarian masses where sonography and Doppler US are not helpful.

Author Biographies

Syed Anjum Mehdi, Allied Hospital, Punjab Medical College, Faisalabad.

DMRD, FCPS (Radiology)

Associate Professor

Department of Radiology


Hassan Bukhari, Allied Hospital, Faisalabad.

FCPS (Radiology)

Senior Registrar

Department of Radiology


Shama Aslam, Madina Teaching Hospital, Faisalabad.

FCPS (Radiology)

Assistant Professor

Department of Radiology


M. Sohail Anjum Noor, Independent Medical College, Faisalabad.


Assistant Professor

Department of Radiology







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