Comminuted intra articular fracture of distal radius: Outcome of Management with closed reduction and percutaneous pinning.


  • Karam Ali Shah Peoples University of Medical & Health Sciences, Nawabshah.
  • Saeed Ali Shah Peoples University of Medical & Health Sciences, Nawabshah.
  • Zahoor Illahi Soomro Peoples University of Medical & Health Sciences, Nawabshah.
  • Allah Nawaz Abbasi Peoples University of Medical & Health Sciences, Nawabshah.
  • Muhammed Azeem Akhund Peoples University of Medical & Health Sciences, Nawabshah.



Comminuted Fractures, Closed Reduction, Distal Radius, Percutaneous Pinning


Objectives: To determine the outcome and various complications in the management of comminuted intra articular fractures of distal radius in adults treated with closed reduction associated with Percutaneous Pinning. Study Design: Observational study. Setting: Department of Orthopaedic PUMHS, Nawabshah. Period: January 2017 to December 2018. Material and Methods: 45 consecutive cases of closed comminuted intra articular fractures of distal radius matching the inclusion criteria, all patients were adult aged between 23 – 38 years having Gartland and Werly type II and III fractures of 6 to 7 days duration. After initial resuscitation, thorough clinical examination done and all base line laboratory investigations and x-rays were obtained. The demographic and clinical data was recorded on a proforma. The patients were informed about the study and surgery and a written consent was taken and all of the patients were gone for closed reduction with percutaneous K – wiring. Functional outcome like union, healing and any complication were assessed. Patients were also checked for the range of movements. After 6 weeks, the K – wires and cast were removed and the procedure of physiotherapy started. After six weeks all the patients were advised for follow up at an interval of 3 months and 6 months. The data collected was statistically analysed and the results were tabulated. Results: 45 cases of closed intra articular fractures of distal radius were assessed, out of these 20 cases have Gartland type II and 25 cases have Gartland type III fractures. The age of patient was ranged between 23 – 38 years (mean 34+ 4.63), majority (55.6%) of patients were male. The left side of fractures were present in 66.3% of cases. All the patients checked for complications and that were seen in only 07 cases consisting of pin tract infection, reduced grip strength and finger stiffness. At the end of study period the range of movements in different directed were checked and evaluation was done according to modified Demerit scoring system. Conclusion: Closed reduction of distal radius with percutaneous pinning in comminuted intra articular fractures gives promising excellent results, it is a simple and minimal procedure providing anatomic reduction, fixation of fracture and maintenance of reduction with an suitable technique of immobilization.

Author Biographies

Karam Ali Shah, Peoples University of Medical & Health Sciences, Nawabshah.


Associate Professor Orthopaedic


Saeed Ali Shah, Peoples University of Medical & Health Sciences, Nawabshah.


Associate Professor Orthopaedic


Zahoor Illahi Soomro, Peoples University of Medical & Health Sciences, Nawabshah.


Assistant Professor Orthopaedic


Allah Nawaz Abbasi, Peoples University of Medical & Health Sciences, Nawabshah.


Assistant Professor Orthopaedic


Muhammed Azeem Akhund, Peoples University of Medical & Health Sciences, Nawabshah.


Assistant Professor Orthopaedic







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