The good teacher attributes – a cross sectional study on teaching evaluation at rehman medical college, Peshawarq


  • Ali Raza Rehman Medical College, Peshawar
  • Hajira Zainab Health Department KPK.



Evaluation, Teaching Evaluation, Attributes, Good Teaching


Introduction: The role of teacher is crucial to a college’s/ university success. Teaching evaluation when done properly enhances teacher’s professional practice as well as aids in professional development. There is a clearer link between student learning standards and teacher preparation standards, as teaching evaluation is relevant to every segment of the educational system. This is a controversial area involving technical, psychological, political, ethical and educational complexities. The purpose of this study is to present qualities of a good teacher as are evaluated by Higher Education Commission (HEC) teaching evaluation survey. Study Design: Cross sectional study. Setting: Rehman Medical College, Peshawar. Period: April to October 2017. Methodology: The survey was conducted by quality enhancement cell. The senior faculty i.e assistant professor and above of respective subjects were evaluated by the students. The survey was done from year 1 to year 4 MBBS. The total number of responses for all subjects were 2190. Results: Year wise and subject wise analysis was done using ANOVA and chi-square tests. Both tests showed no difference between the perception of students year wise and subject wise. However, individual item analysis showed certain difference which were more due to the teachers’ influence on the students. The disagreement level for Biochemistry as compared to other subjects was consistently high which desires further probation. Conclusion: Although it’s a very difficult area and involves controversy. Individual to individual feedback can improve the situation. Regular professional development workshops will develop teachers professionally.

Author Biographies

Ali Raza, Rehman Medical College, Peshawar


Assistant Professor

Department of Community Medicine


Hajira Zainab, Health Department KPK.


Medical Officer






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