Frequency Frequency of adequate haemodialysis at haemodialysis unit Nishtar Hospital Multan.


  • Shahzad Alam Khan Nishtar Medical University, Multan.
  • Ghulam Abbas Nishtar Medical University, Multan.



End Stage Renal Disease, Hemodialysis, Hemodialysis Adequacy


This adequacy of HD is judged by formulas like Urea Reduction Ratio (URR) and Kt/V. Adequate hemodialysis is vital for restoration of body homeostasis towards normal and to avoid potential complications. The aim of the current study was to determine the frequency of adequate hemodialysis at hemodialysis center at Nishtar Hospital Multan. Objectives: The objective of this study was to determine the frequency of adequate hemodialysis at hemodialysis unit Nishtar Hospital Multan. Study Design: Cross-sectional Study. Setting: Department of Medicine, Medical Unit-IV, Nishtar Hospital, Multan. Duration: Six months from 18/01/2018 to 17/07/2018. Material and Methods: This study involved 174 patients undergoing hemodialysis at least 3 sessions in a week for the previous 6 months at hemodialysis center Nishtar Hospital Multan. A formal written consent was taken from every patient. Patient’s demographic details along with duration of disease, calculated Kt/V and adequacy of hemodialysis (Kt/V≥1.2) were recorded in the attached proforma. Data obtained during study were analyzed by using SPSS version 24. Mean and standard deviation were estimated for numerical variables; age, duration of disease, Kt/V values. Frequency and percentage were calculated for categorical variable i-e gender, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, adequate hemodialysis. Stratification was done for parameters like age, gender, diabetes, hypertension and duration of disease. After stratification was done t-test ws applied and value ≤.05 was considered as significant. Results: The age range of our study population was 40-70 years having a mean of 54.24±8.39 years. It included 113 (64.9%) male and 61 (35.1%) female suffers of ESRD. 75 (43.1%) patients were diabetic while 116 (66.7%) patients were hypertensive. The time lapse from diagnosis to dialysis ranged from 6-18 months with a mean of 12.11±3.55 months. The Kt/V value ranged from .80 to 1.90 with a mean of 1.45±.27. Taking a cut-off value of Kt/V≥1.2 for adequate hemodialysis, the frequency of adequate hemodialysis was found to be 85.1% (n=148). Conclusion: The frequency of adequate hemodialysis was found to be 85.1% among ESRD patients undergoing hemodialysis at least 3 times a week for the past 6 months at hemodialysis center Nishtar Hospital Multan. It indicates that Dialysis centre in Nishtar hospital is working effectively.

Author Biographies

Shahzad Alam Khan, Nishtar Medical University, Multan.


Assistant Professor

Department of Medicine

Ghulam Abbas, Nishtar Medical University, Multan.


Associate Professor Nephrology







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