Role of statins in controlling cough and improving lung function and exercise capacity in bronchiectasis patients.


  • Abdul Rauf Teaching Hospital DG Khan.
  • Syed Sarmad Ali Naqvi Nishtar Medical University.
  • Muhammad Imran Sharif Nishtar Medical University.
  • Masood Alam Ch. Pervaiz Ellahi Institute of Cardiology Multan.
  • Muhammad Imran Shehzad Ch. Pervaiz Ellahi Institute of Cardiology Multan.



Atorvastatin, Bronchiectasis, Lung Function, Cough, Statins


Objectives: To investigate the role of high dose atorvastatin in controlling cough improving lung function and exercise capacity in patients with bronchiectasis. Study Design: Cross Sectional Study. Setting: From outdoor of respiratory unit of Nishtar hospital Multan. Period: January 2016 to September 2018. Material & Methods: Total 58 patients were enrolled having clinically significant bronchiectasis having productive cough and were clinically stable. Consecutive sampling was done and patients were divided into two groups by lottery method. Group A received high dose atorvastatin 80mg once daily for 6 months and group B received placebo for 6 months. Patients in both groups received other standard medical treatment. Consent was taken from these patients and approval was taken of this research from ethical committee. Data was analyzed by SPSS volume 22. Qualitative variables OD data like gender, age, smoking status were statistically calculated by percentage and chi square test was applied to check the significance. Quantitative variables like LCQ score, FEV1, FVC and its ratio and 6-minute walk test were calculated in mean and standard deviation and significance checked with t test. P value of less than .005 was considered significant. Results: The mean FEV1, FVC, FEV2/FVC, WBC, CRP and LCQ score unit for the statin group was 2.44±0.73 L, 3.36±0.84 L, 67.42±6.21, 6.94±1.89×109 cells per L, 6.35±1.21 mg/L and 15.40±3.62 respectively. While, the mean FEV1, FVC, FEV2/FVC, WBC, CRP and LCQ score unit for the placebo group was 2.10±0.86 L, 2.82±1.11 L, 67.31±3.09, 6.53±2.55×109 cells per L, 9.21±6.39 mg/L and 13.56±2.73 respectively. The difference was statistically significant for FVC (p=0.038), CRP (p=0.022) and LCQ score units (p=0.033). The mean FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC, improvement in 6MWT and improvement in LCQ scores units for the statin group was 0.0517±0.31 L, -0.0172±0.32 L, 0.000±0.20, -0.1354±0.48 m and 2.2±1.08 units respectively. Improvement in LCQ score> 1.3 units was observed in n=7 (24.1%) patients. While, the mean FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC, improvement in 6MWT and improvement in LCQ scores units for the placebo group was 0.061±0.24 L, -0.0483±0.30 L, 0.179±0.29, 0.001±0.47 m and -0.7214±0.25 units respectively. Improvement in LCQ score> 1.3 units was observed in n=12 (41.4%) patients. The difference was statistically significant for improvement in LCQ score units (p=0.000). Conclusion: Statins can be used in controlling the cough in patients with bronchiectasis. But its role in improving lung function test and exercise capacity need further research and investigation.

Author Biographies

Abdul Rauf, Teaching Hospital DG Khan.


Assistant Professor Pulmonology


Syed Sarmad Ali Naqvi, Nishtar Medical University.


Medical Officer Pulmonology


Muhammad Imran Sharif, Nishtar Medical University.


Medical Officer Pulmonology


Masood Alam, Ch. Pervaiz Ellahi Institute of Cardiology Multan.


Medical Officer Pulmonology

Muhammad Imran Shehzad, Ch. Pervaiz Ellahi Institute of Cardiology Multan.


Assistant Professor Pulmonology







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