Comparison of outcome of salbutamol alone and salbutamol in combination with ipratropium bromide in acute asthma in children.


  • Saima Jabeen Joiya Nishtar Hospital Multan.
  • Muhammad Azam Khan Nishtar Medical College & Hospital, Multan.
  • Farhan ul Haq Laeeq Rafiq Hospital, Multan.
  • Zahid Ahmad Nishtar Medical College & Hospital, Multan.



Acute Asthma, Ipratropium Bromide, PERF, Salbutamol, SPO2


Objectives: Asthma affects about 15% of children while it is one of the commonest reason for admissions in pediatric emergencies and wards. We aimed this study to determine outcome of Salbutamol alone and salbutamol in combination with Ipratropium Bromide in acute asthma in children. Study Design: Randomized Controlled trial (RCT). Setting: Unit-II Department of Pediatric Medicine, Nishtar Medical College and Hospital, Multan. Period: 20th Nov 2017 to 30th June 2018. Material & Methods: The study consisted of 104 children, with 52 children each in Group ‘A’ and ‘B’ who were subjected to salbutamol alone and salbutamol in combination with Ipratropium bromide respectively. In both groups oxygen was administered via nasal prongs at a flow rate of 3L/minute. These children was monitored at 30 minutes interval for 2 hours (least value out of these 4 values was taken). Both groups were compared for outcome in terms of mean heart rate, respiratory rate, accessory muscle score, peak expiratory flow rate (PERF) percentage and SPO2. Results: Of these 104 study cases, 61 (58.7%) were boys while 43 (41.3%) were girls. Mean age of our study cases was noted to be 9.92 ± 3.01 years. Mild level of asthma severity was noted in 35 (33.7%) and moderate severity in 69 (66.3%). Mean heart rate in group A was noted to be 119.40 ± 12.22 and in group was 119.29 ± 8.51 beats per minute. (p=0.956). Mean respiratory rate in group A was 29.98 ± 4.00 while in group B was 27.88 ± 3.85 (p=0.000). Mean accessory muscle score in group  A was 0.537 ± 0.336 while in group B was 0.130 ± 0.030 (p = 0.000). Mean PEFR percentage in group A was 68.69 ± 18.64 while in group B was 87.12 ± 17.10 (p = 0.000). Mean SPO2 in group A was 96.15 ± 1.05 while it was 95.94 ± 1.29 (p = 0.362). Conclusion: Our study results have shown that nebulization of salbutamol in combination with Ipratropium Bromide is more effective in the management of children with acute asthma. It was safe, effective and reliable as there was no adverse side effect noted in our study. We recommend the use of this combination nebulization therapy in children with acute asthma.

Author Biographies

Saima Jabeen Joiya, Nishtar Hospital Multan.

MBBS, FCPS (Peads Medicine)

Senior Registrar Pediatric Medicine

Muhammad Azam Khan, Nishtar Medical College & Hospital, Multan.


Pediatrician Pediatric Medicine                                    


Farhan ul Haq, Laeeq Rafiq Hospital, Multan.

MBBS, FCPS (Peads Medicin)

Associate Professor Pediatric Medicine


Zahid Ahmad, Nishtar Medical College & Hospital, Multan.


PGT MS Peads Surgery







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