Assessment of serum vitamin D level in third trimester of multiparous women of Sargodha region with relation to sun exposure and age group.


  • Abdul Haseeb Khan Sargodha Medical College, Sargodha.
  • Farzana Islam Islamia University of Bahawalpur.
  • Abdul Rehman RAK College of Medicine RAK Medical and Health Science University, Ras-al-Khaimah, UAE.



Multiparous, Third Trimester, Vitamin D


Objectives: To assess serum vitamin D level in third trimester multiparous pregnant females and correlate them with different parameters (sun exposure and age). Study Design: Cross Sectional study. Setting: Department of Pathology, SMC, UOS, Sargodha. Period: April 17th to September 17th, 2017. Material & Methods: A total of fifty multiparous pregnant women in 3rd trimester were included in this study. On the basis of their 25 hydroxy vitamin D (25OHD) levels, pregnant women were categorized into 2 groups: normal (>30ng/ml) and deficient (<20ng/ml). Vitamin D level was measured by CLIA (chemilumuniscence immunoassay analyzer). Data related to sun exposure and age groups was recorded on self structured questionnaire. Results: We found that 47 multiparous women (94%) were vitamin D deficient and 3 (6%) had normal vitamin D levels. Based on associated findings, results showed significance between vitamin D and day time of sun exposure (p =0.02), vitamin D and duration of sun exposure (p =0.01). A significant difference between vitamin D and different age groups (p =0.03) was also observed in multiparous pregnant females. Conclusion: My study suggested that multiparous pregnant women are more susceptible to vitamin D deficiency. A significant association exists between vitamin D and day time of sun exposure, duration of sun exposure and age groups among multiparous pregnant women.

Author Biographies

Abdul Haseeb Khan, Sargodha Medical College, Sargodha.

MBBS, DCP, M. Phill (Histo)

Professor Pathology 

Farzana Islam, Islamia University of Bahawalpur.

M.Phill (Human Pathology)


Abdul Rehman, RAK College of Medicine RAK Medical and Health Science University, Ras-al-Khaimah, UAE.


Assistant Professor Pathology 







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