Perinatal outcomes in pregnant patients presenting with antepartum hemorrhage: Our experiences at a teaching hospital in Central Punjab.


  • Rabia Mushtaq Government Mian Maula Buksh Hospital, Sargodha Medical College Sargodha.
  • Afroza Abbas Government Mian Maula Buksh Hospital, Sargodha Medical College Sargodha.
  • Waqas Ahmed CMH, Malir.



Antepartum Hemorrhage, Placenta Previa, Toxemia, Stillbirth


Objectives: Antepartum Hemorrhage is bleeding from or into the genital tract from the period of viability of fetus (28 weeks) till the end of second stage of labor. Antepartum hemorrhage is associated with a very high perinatal mortality rate. We present our experience of perinatal outcomes in cases of antepartum hemorrhage with the aim of highlighting the cause of antepartum hemorrhage and the adverse outcomes. Study Design: Descriptive Cross sectional study. Setting: Department of Gynecology & Obstetrics, Sargodha Medical College, Sargodha. Period: Jan 2018 to Jun 2018. Material and Methods: Ninety six pregnant patients between ages of 15-45 years diagnosed as cases of antepartum hemorrhage were enrolled. Patients with coagulation disorders, twin pregnancies, abnormal lie or presentation, previous scar and any known congenital anomaly. Cause of antepartum hemorrhage and mode of delivery was recorded. Perinatal outcomes were determined in terms of frequencies of perinatal mortality, stillbirth and low birthweight babies. Results: The etiology of antepartum hemorrhage in our setup was placenta previa (43.75%); placental abruption (37.5%); Toxemia (10.41%) and unclassified causes in 8.33% patients. The perinatal mortality rate was 43.75% in our study. The overall frequency of low birthweight babies and stillbirth was 62.5% and 27.08% respectively. Conclusion: Antepartum hemorrhage is a major cause of perinatal mortality in our country. A prompt diagnosis of the cause followed by early cesarean section can help reduce the overall mortality.

Author Biographies

Rabia Mushtaq, Government Mian Maula Buksh Hospital, Sargodha Medical College Sargodha.



Department of Gyne and Obs


Afroza Abbas, Government Mian Maula Buksh Hospital, Sargodha Medical College Sargodha.


Associate Professor

Department of Gyne and Obs


Waqas Ahmed, CMH, Malir.



Department of Surgery







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