Fragility fractures, osteoporosis, intertrochanteric, hemiarthroplasty, engineered metallicfixation deviceAbstract
Introduction: Fragility fractures, the major clinical problem have increased in recent decade due to an increase in
expected age. There is a tremendous economic burden to manage this problem. The disability increases from 20% before hip fracture to
50% after this even if managed properly. Fragility hip fracture is associated with a 20% reduction in expected survival in best hands.
O b j e c t i v e s : To study the incidence; types of fractures; treatment options and their outcome. D e s i g n : A retrospective study. Setting: Armed
Forces Hospital Southern Region Khamis Mushayt, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia P e r i o d : From April 1996 to April 2006. Material a n d m e t h o d:
300 patients were included in the study, both males and females above the age of sixty years presented in Emergency Room with hip
fractures due to minor or trivial trauma. Diagnosis was based on clinical and radiological grounds. Additional investigations were made when
and where indicated to confirm diagnosis and to assess the patient from anaesthesia and surgical point of view. Internal fixation was the
main treatment to see the ultimate outcome. R e s u l t s : The incidence of fragility hip fractures increased with age. Sixty percent of the victims
were females. The incidence increased with every passing year being 15% in the last year of study. 93.3% of the fractures were of
intertrochanterictype and fixed with engineered metallic device (DHS). C o n c l u s i o n : Prevention or delaying osteoporosis should be the main
objective. Once there is fragility hip fracture internal fixation is the appropriate treatment.

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